In 2003, the American Film Institute composed a list of the best heroes and villains of film history. Based on the movie they were in, guess who they are. There are fifty heroes and fifty villains.
Some answers are multiple people, but you only need to guess one of them
All characters are from films popular in the U.S., as the American Film Institute composed this list
I got the Exorcist question correct, however I only submitted Reagan after attempting "demon", "devil", "satan" and "pazuzu" . . . since Reagan wasn't actually evil, she was possessed. Good quiz!
You should accept the word "number" in addition to the "#" you accept for the question on 12 Angry Men. I tried every combination and it wouldn't work with the word "number" in it and I never thought to try it with the symbol.
Although I like the idea of the quiz, there are quite a few (inevitable?) issues.
While a lot of questions can be answered by just typing in the movie title or a part of it, others need the last name of a character who is mostly known by his forename.
An example: I knew that the main protagonist of Clockwork Orange was named Alex, but I couldn' remember his last name at all. I think, Alex should be accepted here.
On the other hand, for "Silkwood", Silkwood is accepted as the right answer, you don't even have to know her forename.
Something else, just an idea: For Star Wars, there are 2 questions for heroes, for some others there are quite a few different possible answers (Villain in Batman...)
Maybe you could group them together and maybe add some more answers for them (not type-ins but different fields)
It's been a long time since I've updated but I'll go through soon and give this quiz another look to make it more user-friendly. I'd like to make some of the answers pre-filled, if the movie titles contain the answer or anything like that. I've seen that on other quizzes but don't know how it's done.
Also the Shark in Jaws is called Bruce and this was my first thought to answer this question.
While a lot of questions can be answered by just typing in the movie title or a part of it, others need the last name of a character who is mostly known by his forename.
An example: I knew that the main protagonist of Clockwork Orange was named Alex, but I couldn' remember his last name at all. I think, Alex should be accepted here.
On the other hand, for "Silkwood", Silkwood is accepted as the right answer, you don't even have to know her forename.
Something else, just an idea: For Star Wars, there are 2 questions for heroes, for some others there are quite a few different possible answers (Villain in Batman...)
Maybe you could group them together and maybe add some more answers for them (not type-ins but different fields)