I know absolutely diddleysquat about baseball, and I gave up after looking at it for 10 seconds. I recognized Babe Ruth after surrenduring, but I would have never remembered him.
Not into baseball but I got 60 guessing some famous players and random names. At the end, I should've gotten another dozen obvious ones I knew but didn't think of. I don't bother with sports quizzes cause it's always so niche that the average is ridiculous for causal players.
What's with the rash of players listing "none specified" for their team in 2006? They're all listed with primary teams on the HOF website.
Cooper played for the KC Monarchs. Grant for the Cuban Giants. Hill and Torriente for the Chicago American Giants. Mackey for the Hilldale Giants. Santop for the Hilldale Daisies. Taylor for the Indianapolis ABCs.
I don't think you can call this "Complete" when you don't include the executives or umpires. That's a contradiction because people like Kenesaw Mountain Landis and Ford Frick have plagues in the Hall just like Roberto Clemente and Babe Ruth.
I love baseball and I only got 39 before I quit out of frustration. There are just so many great players that I just mind blanked and couldn't even think of their names
Wish my dad were here to take this with me - Oh, the hours we spent talking baseball! Sorry, Dad, for my pathetic score. I improved a little the 2nd time, but forgot some I got the 1st time: Mantle, DiMaggio, and Cy Young?!
Something tells me your dad would be proud of you regardless of your score. That you took this quiz and remembered him would've made him happier than anything else.
It took me 4-5 tries to get 5/5 on this quiz. My previous attempt surprised me in that I got all but 6 or so Negro League/Cuban League players but still got a 4/5.
I've now got 5/5 on all quizzes with the word BASEBALL in the title. If only there was a Baseball badge...
First-time taker of this test, scored 198 but am absolutely flabbergasted at who I left off!! Well, you just can't fit all that stuff in your bean, apparently. I'm 74, so actually remember firsthand most of the 1950s-1970s guys, didn't pay much attention when expansion exploded. Oh well...great quiz!
No executives ... So through this exemption, Harry Wright should not be included in this quiz. He was inducted as an executive for the Phila Phillies, as per the Baseball HOF website.
Do you think you'll ever decide to update this and include everyone, like the executives and umpires? Like each and every one of them? I'm thinking about making my own if not. :)
Can't believe that Bonds and Clemens, the two greatest players of their era, will likely be shut out from the hall.
Controversial opinion incoming... Steroids were a "moral panic" that didn't effect the game all that much. Everyone was doing them (probably many still are), but we heap shame on the ones who happened to get caught. Meanwhile, home runs totals today are far higher than during the steroid era. The real problem with baseball isn't Bonds, or Clemens (or Pete Rose either for that matter), it's that the product has become unwatchable, boring, and increasingly irrelevant. There was a time when I could name the winner of the World Series every year. Now I don't even know or care who wins.
Lower the mound, mushify the ball by 5%, and we'll see a version of baseball the way it was meant to be played, not this boring battle of walks, strikeouts, and home runs. Bring in a salary cap too while we're at it.
I think it's pretty clear that there is some serious fudging going on. I wondered the same thing!! There are certainly some serious baseball fans on here, but most certainly 1/3 don't actually know all these obscure players.
Can we please allow Fox to count for Foxx as well? There are so many other type ins where things like this are allowed and trying to dig through a list this big to find who was missed when the original answer was accepted is maddening.
When asked what he wanted, Traynor would say, "Pie, please."
Cooper played for the KC Monarchs. Grant for the Cuban Giants. Hill and Torriente for the Chicago American Giants. Mackey for the Hilldale Giants. Santop for the Hilldale Daisies. Taylor for the Indianapolis ABCs.
I've now got 5/5 on all quizzes with the word BASEBALL in the title. If only there was a Baseball badge...
Controversial opinion incoming... Steroids were a "moral panic" that didn't effect the game all that much. Everyone was doing them (probably many still are), but we heap shame on the ones who happened to get caught. Meanwhile, home runs totals today are far higher than during the steroid era. The real problem with baseball isn't Bonds, or Clemens (or Pete Rose either for that matter), it's that the product has become unwatchable, boring, and increasingly irrelevant. There was a time when I could name the winner of the World Series every year. Now I don't even know or care who wins.
Lower the mound, mushify the ball by 5%, and we'll see a version of baseball the way it was meant to be played, not this boring battle of walks, strikeouts, and home runs. Bring in a salary cap too while we're at it.