It was not the easiest Countries that Beat quiz to do, put I'm pretty happy seeing the result. I hope you will like it. Feel free to nominate this quiz, to try the other quizzes like it or to suggest corrections or ideas of countries for the next quizzes.
Great job as always! I'm pretty sure Palau has a lower obesity rate than Nauru, but your other quiz Countries that beat Nauru has it the other way around.
The stats still say the words in French for some reason, though it looks fine on the quiz itself.
For 'Newest', can you elaborate how you got that? If we're going by the UN, Kosovo shouldn't be on there and I think Switzerland should.
Thank you for the elaboration on 'Newest'. I'm pretty sure this quiz is fine with the obesity question, since most sources have Nauru as first. As a replacement, you could have 'Highest vowel percentage' and there would be 4 answers: Guinea, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and Equatorial Guinea.
The stats still say the words in French for some reason, though it looks fine on the quiz itself.
For 'Newest', can you elaborate how you got that? If we're going by the UN, Kosovo shouldn't be on there and I think Switzerland should.