Rank | Category | Countries | % Correct |
4 | Least populated | Vatican City | Nauru | Tuvalu | 99%
3 | Northernmost in Oceania | Marshall Islands | Micronesia | 90%
7 | Closest to Philippines | Malaysia | Taiwan | Indonesia | Brunei | Japan | China | 89%
4 | Smallest in Oceania | Nauru | Tuvalu | Marshall Islands | 85%
7 | Flag with the most blue | Micronesia | Kazakhstan | Nauru | Somalia | Kosovo | Saint Lucia | 78%
2 | Highest obesity rate | Nauru | 76%
3 | Richest per capita in Oceania | Australia | New Zealand | 70%
2 | Westernmost in Oceania | Australia | 69%
4 | Lowest total GDP | Nauru | Tuvalu | Marshall Islands | 68%
6 | Newest (sovereignty)* | South Sudan | Kosovo | Serbia | Montenegro | East Timor | 67%
5 | Most tourists per capita | Vatican City | Andorra | Monaco | Iceland | 67%
2 | Starting with P closest of the begining of the alphabet | Pakistan | 65%
9 | Highest men ratio | Vatican City | Qatar | United Arab Emirates | Kuwait | Maldives | Oman | Saudi Arabia | Bhutan | 61%
4 | Least imports | Tuvalu | Nauru | Kiribati | 60%
6 | Fewest parliamentarians | Vatican City | Micronesia | Tuvalu | Grenada | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 58%
4 | Highest diabet rate | Nauru | Mauritius | Marshall Islands | 55%
4 | Most forest (%) | Suriname | Micronesia | Seychelles | 47%
2 | Closest to Micronesia | Papua New Guinea | 35%
2 | Least exports | Kiribati | 31%
3 | Most immigrants per capita out of Eurasia | Antigua and Barbuda | Australia | 27%
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