Fictional Characters Merged with British Celebrities
MI5 has kidnapped celebrities and genetically merged them with famous fictional characters! For each of the pictures below, guess the celebrity and the fictional character who have been merged. Good luck!
Pictures generated using an artificial intelligence
Haha! Really? I only see two eyes, thick eyebrows and wrinkles under the eyes. I'm also very surprised by the very low answers stats for this celebrity, which seemed for me pretty obvious when creating the quiz. That's interesting...
Haha! Understandable. And this AI isn't very powerful since that's a free own. Imagine what could be done with an expensive one... Terrifying can be a good word there, yeah.
Great idea and great quiz, I missed a couple mainly due to not having watched any of the Harry Potter movies or any Manga comics. Some of these fusions are truly inspired.
Glad you liked it! And yeah, I tried to put an important diversity in the origins of the fictional characters. As it, everyone can value their strengts and meet a bit of difficulty. ;-)
Hmm... Sorry but I think I'll have to refuse this one since it would disadvantage the users who know how to write correctly her name by letting an extra L at the begining of their next answer. Sorry.
How would that disadvantage users who know about the two Ls? Seriously, knowing that it is McGonagal(l) isn't enough? For people that aren't obsessed with Harry Potter, knowing that much should be good enough.
You asked how it would disadvantage users who know how to spell the name... in reply to a comment which explains exactly how. I don't know if it was edited since you asked your question, but as baptistegorce, it's a disadvantage because you can't answer correctly, only incorrectly. If you type the correct response, you are left with an l in the next answer. In other words, you start answering "Princess l ", so you need to backspace to erase the l before answering. Personally, I agree that there's something aesthetically and practically wrong with making the sloppy answer easier than the correct one.
This is a unsolvable minor annoyance across Jetpunk with words that accept misspellings at the terminal position (ouaga is the worst offender, but edinburg and many others occur). Particular quizzes can choose to be stricter about spelling, which has pros and cons.
Haha! Yeah, surprising. I'm not a fan, but I guess that Luffy could have deserved to be in the Fictional Characters by Pictures quiz series. It seems that everything has a begining.
In this one, my favourite is Elsa Watson, but among all the quizzes like this one I have published (well, only two for now...), my very favourite is Hercule Freeman.
Monkey D Luffy ?????..From doing quizzes on here I've learned the names of many characters from things I'm not into . like Potter , Star wars and a lot of Disney and superhero characters but this is a new one.
If peaches looked like bananas and Thor wore a Super-/Batman costume I might have got the point of this quiz. C'est dommage. You have some great quiz ideas Baptiste and I usually really enjoy them but for me, this one just doesnae work
Sorry, as explained above, he lost her title with the fusion. You can blame the MI5 for that. But the kind quizmaker I am accepted "Captain" in the type-ins, of course.
Sorry to buck the positive comment vibes trend, but I find the quizzes in this series highly unsatisfactory. To me, the pictures almost always look like one of the two options, but not both. For example, the Santa Claus part here is clear enough, but not the Christopher Lee part. And on the American quiz, the Angelina Jolie part is clear, but not the Jasmine part.
I literally only got Christopher Lee because I was thinking about people who played old white bearded men, and because I'm a superfan of Lord of the Rings, my mind went to Saruman and therefore Christopher Lee. Absolutely nothing in that picture helped me find the answer.
Thought it was great. Always amazes me when people (a) slag off other people's efforts and yet they have been on here years and contributed no quizzes and/or (b) try to police what quizzes people choose to create! Thanks again for your efforts
Your welcome! It's me who have to thank you. That's true that this series hasn't been very well welcomed, but that's thanks to the support of JetPunkers like you that I'm encouraged to continue on this way.
Hopefully the most common Rowan misinetrpretation is accepted. And Luffy is one of the most famous manga characters of all time, but I realized that it wasn't that popular in the English speaking world, or at least on JetPunk.
Thank you for the compliment, by the way!
I plan to update the American version with better pictures and then, obviously, to make a French one. I hope you will enjoy too.
Great idea for a quiz and well drawn too.
just givin' you crap
This is a unsolvable minor annoyance across Jetpunk with words that accept misspellings at the terminal position (ouaga is the worst offender, but edinburg and many others occur). Particular quizzes can choose to be stricter about spelling, which has pros and cons.
In this one, my favourite is Elsa Watson, but among all the quizzes like this one I have published (well, only two for now...), my very favourite is Hercule Freeman.
And misinterpreted many.
Thanks for the compliment!
and also that looks nothing like princess peach