
Focus sur: Ulick Gamp - Harry Potter

Jeune sorcier/ère, tentez de retrouver ces informations à propos du célèbre Ulick Gamp. Bonne chance (bien que l'usage de Felix Felicis soit strictement interdit)!
Si vous n'avez pas lu entièrement les aventures de Harry Potter (ce que je vous conseille vivement de faire), ce quiz est susceptible de contenir des éléments vous étant encore inconnus.
Créé par baptistegorce
Dernière actualisation : 13 mars 2021
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Première soumission13 mars 2021
Nombre de tentatives16
Score moyen60,0%
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Informations recherchées
Première mention
Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Mêlé
Espèce (post-mortem)
Ministre de la Magie
Damocles Rowle
Couleur des cheveux (perruque)
13 Commentaires
Niveau 64
13 mar 2021
Voici le quiz du jour! J'espère qu'il vous plaira. Il s'agit du premier d'une longue partie de la série sur les Ministres de la Magie, sur une idée d'iselou. Certains d'entre eux ont déjà eu un quiz, n'hésitez pas à les essayer (Fudge, Shacklebolt, Granger, Bagnold, Scrimgeour et Thicknesse).

N'hésitez pas à voter.

Niveau 3
14 mar 2021
Sorry for don’t say in French, but how many Focus Sur you have now? I think already 300...
Niveau 3
14 mar 2021
And how many characters are in Harry Potter! I only used to know Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Lord Voldemort, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, and Albus Dumbledore...
Niveau 64
14 mar 2021
It was today the 293th focus on Harry Potter. But I've a few ones about countries too (I created them several years ago, it's a bit like the country trivia quizzes).

And there are hundreds and hundreds characters in Harry Potter. It's just incredible. You should read all the books. The adventure is amazing.

I'll stopd this series when I'll have 365 quizzes, but there are a lot more characters in this amazing universe.

Thanks for your interest!

Niveau 3
15 mar 2021
I think this is consomming much time of you. I'm doing two series, and I have only 3 quizzes in one, and 6 in the other... you're doing these everyday! You are putting so much effort. I like this.

Maybe? I don't like Harry Potter because looks long, boring, and I little "very magic". I don't know if is a good series... but, maybe. I really don't know nothing about HP (not the printer)! For example, I almost send a message to Stewart in ChangeLog that the user @Poudlard changed his name for @Hogwarts, but he was still named @Poudlard in some parts. But after I discover that my Translate was working, and Poudlard is the French Word of Hogwarts...

I'm idiot at Harry Potter, my cousin tried to explain me about the houses of Hogwarts. I understand something? No... LOL

But lovely series! I like your effort!

Niveau 64
16 mar 2021
Thank you a lot!

And it was very long at the begining, when the characters were very important and the quizzes long, but now it's ok.

Niveau 3
16 mar 2021
Hmm. Are you on Discord (idiot question. Obviously yes, Poirot... lol!)? Can you send the invite? Every invite I click is expired... ;-;
Niveau 3
18 mar 2021
Need I remember that Baptiste only answer two times a comment? Yes. LOL
Niveau 64
18 mar 2021
Sorry, I have too much comments everyday, I have missed yourth.

I’m one the Discord server, but I can’t send you any link to join it.

Then, I’m the administrator and creator of the French server, but you don’t speak Fench, so...

Niveau 3
18 mar 2021
There isn't a general server?
Niveau 3
18 mar 2021
And why can't you send the link? I aways see links. Expired, but links. Oh, and I created my first quiz in French, if you wanna check, and tell me if there are errors.
Niveau 64
18 mar 2021
Only moderators can send links, I think. But you know, there is a "Contact us" section, on JetPunk...

Of course there is a "general" server, with everyone.

How old are you? If you are 13 or less, you will be bannned immediately.

I've seen your quiz, but haven't taken it yet. Probably tomorrow. Plus, I don't know Brazil at all...

Niveau 3
18 mar 2021
Mercy! When you said "banned", I thought I would be banned from JetPunk. Those are the monents that your belly twitches, and you feel cold from head to toe. But I'm 11, and I'm going to be 12 in August. I think it's weird because I have friends from school who use Discord. Well, I want to do this series in multi-languages, and French is one of them. You seem to like mountains, as you have already visited the Pyrenees. My state (Minas Gerais) has mountains to give and sell. Just be on the lookout for crime and the sad history of the favelas in Rio, and the Crackland region (drug trafficking) in Sao Paulo. Returning to Discord, I honestly did not know about this moderator policy. I thought everyone could send it, since I've seen many links sent by many JetPunkers who are Discord users. But I really have to wait for the age increase.