
Parishes of Cape Verde (with map)

There are 32 parishes (freguesias) in Cape Verde. How many can you name? Good luck!
Some parishes have the same name, but they aren't the same.
Quiz by baptistegorce
Last updated: June 6, 2021
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First submittedJune 6, 2021
Times taken32
Average score50.0%
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Nossa Senhora da Ajuda
Nossa Senhora da Conceição
Nossa Senhora da Graça
Nossa Senhora da Lapa
Nossa Senhora da Luz
Nossa Senhora da Luz
Nossa Senhora da Luz
Nossa Senhora das Dores
Nossa Senhora do Livramento
Nossa Senhora do Monte
Nossa Senhora do Rosário
Nossa Senhora do Rosário
Santa Catarina
Santa Catarina do Fogo
Santa Isabel
Santiago Maior
Santíssimo Nome de Jesus
Santo Amaro Abade
Santo André
Santo António das Pombas
Santo Crucifixo
São Francisco
São João Baptista
São João Baptista
São João Baptista
São João Baptista
São Lourenço
São Lourenço dos Órgãos
São Miguel Arcanjo
São Nicolau Tolentino
São Pedro Apóstolo
São Salvador do Mundo
Level 60
Aug 4, 2021
Nice quiz! I'm just commenting regarding my "tournament of the greatest JetPunker you might remember it? Well, you mentioned you'd be happy to help judge it. I was just wondering if you were still available or if you had changed your mind? Thanks.