
Personnages de l'univers de Zelda par Emojis

Devinez les personnages de l'univers de Zelda qui sont représentés par un groupe de trois Emojis. Bonne chance!
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Créé par baptistegorce
Dernière actualisation : 31 janvier 2023
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Première soumission31 janvier 2022
Nombre de tentatives1 902
Score moyen60,0%
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4 Commentaires
Niveau 2
31 jan 2022
Fun quiz! The only Zelda game I've played so far is Breath of the Wild so this was tough for me, but still fun!
Niveau 65
31 jan 2022
Thank you very much!

Your score is very good, especially if you haven’t played most of the games in the series.

I’m a bit weird or original, I don’t know, so the last game of the series I’ve tried is Link’s Awakening...

Niveau 2
31 jan 2022
Wow, Link's Awakening? The 1993 version or the recent remake of it? I'd definitely recommend Breath of the Wild if you have a Switch because it's a fantastic game!
Niveau 65
1 fév 2022
I haven't tried the remake, which seems to have a beautiful graphic style by the way. I wanted to buy it for my Game Boy (the DX version if possible, for GBC), but wasn't able to find it with a decent price, so I bought the Zelda Anniversary Game&Watch (which is honestly great, with a lot more content than the Mario's one), which has the 1993 version and I truly loved it.

I've also tried BOTW. I loved it but actually... I alsmot don't know the scenario of the game. I played it like I play Minecraft, to discover new environments, find more ressources, explore again,... I guess I've a special relationship with this game, which I really like but not for rhe habitial reasons, but yes, this map of Hyrule is beautiful and so complete!