Enter Harry Potter character first names in the answer box. Each character makes your score increasing by its Scrabble value. How many points can you earn in only one minute and twenty five seconds? Good luck!
Scrabble values calculated for only the first names. i> is not included. Characters of the top 100 by mentions.
When a character is guessed, the corresponding cell is highlighted on the Scrabble board below.
Cool idea! This was a bit difficult because I think of a lot of characters by their last names, so it took me some time to think of the first names. Even so, it's fun seeing how widely this Scrabble quiz format can be adapted to different themes beyond geography :)
Thank you very much! To be completely honest, the third (well, actually fourth...) Scrabble quiz had to be about chemical elements, but the preparation of an Harry Potter event on the French server made me creating this one before. Glad to read you enjoyed!
cool idea - i got 333 points, but i'm not happy (although I'm not saying you should have done better, this is great and I'm just nitpicking) with the fact that I lost easily 15 seconds just guessing and deleting names that are very much characters but didn't get accepted. e.g. kendra, antioch, wilkie, etc.