Color Matching #2

Match the blocks that share the same color using the codes.
For the pairs, the letter comes first!
Quiz by Kvkq
Last updated: December 14, 2013
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First submittedDecember 14, 2013
Times taken1,381
Average score68.9%
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Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
Column E
Column F
A1 D7
B1 F13
A4 C1
B15 D1
E1 E9
D15 F1
A2 E13
B2 B14
C2 C11
A13 D2
C5 E2
B8 F2
A3 A10
B3 E7
C3 D6
D3 D9
A6 E3
C9 F3
A4 C1
B4 C12
C4 F15
D4 F10
B9 E4
A9 F4
A5 F8
B5 D8
C5 E2
D5 E15
A12 E5
D13 F5
A6 E3
A14 B6
C6 F9
C3 D6
E6 F11
E12 F6
A7 B10
B7 D11
C7 D14
A1 D7
B3 E7
B12 F7
A8 C8
B8 F2
A8 C8
B5 D8
D12 E8
A5 F8
A9 F4
B9 E4
C9 F3
D3 D9
E1 E9
C6 F9
A3 A10
A7 B10
B13 C10
C14 D10
E10 F14
D4 F10
A11 C15
B11 E11
C2 C11
B7 D11
B11 E11
E6 F11
A12 E5
B12 F7
B4 C12
D12 E8
E12 F6
A15 F12
A13 D2
B13 C10
C13 E14
D13 F5
A2 E13
B1 F13
A14 B6
B2 B14
C14 D10
C7 D14
C13 E14
E10 F14
A15 F12
B15 D1
A11 C15
D15 F1
D5 E15
C4 F15
Level 85
Dec 14, 2013
Nice idea!
Level ∞
Dec 15, 2013
Got 34 before I ran out of time. My eyes hurt.
Level 77
Jun 16, 2014
1:51 left on the clock and got them all. Certainly not for the colourblind!
Level 45
Jun 19, 2014
10 seconds left... oh my eyes...
Level 45
Jul 27, 2014
Much better this time around, 1:25 left and hardly a strain! Must be because it's 7:47. I do my best work in the morning.
Level 33
Jul 24, 2016
Could u give me a step by step on how you got the layout I was going to do a quiz inspired by this but couldn't figure it out
Level 71
Jul 24, 2016
Use the "manual" design mode. There, you can add/remove additional columns and rows. In the "Manual Cell Options" tab, change the cells you want to have an answer in from "text" to "answer". This lets you create multiple answer columns. If you want the same answer for different cells, just choose the answer you want in those cells when you change the cell from text to answer. When changing colors of cells, just make sure the "Edit Styles for" is set to "This Cell" if you want each one different. You can mess around with the look of it from there. The new "Copy" function on the Edit Styles section makes this a lot easier. Hope this helped!
Level 33
Jul 26, 2016
Thank u
Level 33
Apr 17, 2017
How do u make it so that when you type in the correct coordinates the boxes become shaded ?
Level 57
Dec 15, 2016
being colorblind, i didn't do quite well
Level 34
Oct 24, 2023
please keep these coming!!
Level 46
Nov 3, 2023
more time pls!!