A proper quiz does not depend on speed of typing. A typing speed test depends on typing speed. Why do people think that being able to type quickly needs more brains than just answering the questions is beyond me.
Agreed - if you know all the answers and the test is to see how quickly you can type them in without having to think for a second or two then it is purely a typing test. I can't understan why people want less time? Challenge yourselves with beating your own time and allow others to likewise.
I agree it shouldnt be a typing test. You need time to think about the ones you didnt immediatly knew. But it also shouldnt be a type all the (african) countries you can think of quiz. Thats what you can get with too much time.
I quit not being able to think of the last one, when after 30 seconds I still couldnt picture what it could be (and trying zambia and angola)
I wonder what it is about having less time that would make you appreciate it more? Would you prefer the time decreased to the point at which you failed, or only until you are one of a more select group of people who type pretty quick?
Why is it that geography questions score so highly I wonder? I always feel like a bit of a dunce when I do them - I always score well above average with most other quizzes, but when it comes to geography I just have no Idea it seems. I wouldn't have thought that the general population would have a significantly better knowledge of geography than me, however it seems the jetpunk population definately is.
I have done much better after practicing over and over with the quizzes here. I can now name all the countries of the world. Sadly, I can't seem to remember the capitals worth a flip, but I keep trying.
I dont think anyone here does that. Well, atleast one then I guess.
I think they are either allready geography nerds, or like me werent good at ALL the first time they did a geography quiz on here (I think i got 85 in the countries of the world the first time (first quiz i did on here I believe), the second time was allready slightly more acceptable (100 or something) and after that compared to people outside of jetpunk you start to get good (160 third time I believe). Geography was allways one of my worst subjects, that changed after a few days on this site. You learn a lot here. Well sports and history I am even worse in, and I dont see that changing haha ( at least the person parts of that, rules and description of games maybe and things like irona age stone age. But nothing with players and minsters and wars etc)
Still, it would mean there are almost no first (or second, third...) timers anymore on Jetpunk. So I still agree with @danvan's comment that geography quizzes have unusually high results compared to other quizzes.
Opposite for me - I found this site from the Countries of the world test, and in anything other than Geography or anything related (History, Flags,) I am a dunce at. I only got around 5 Oscar winners on my 1st swing in the welcome badge
To all of you very annoying people banging on about the time and how easy it was, leave the time as it is, it's fine. Maybe not everyone is a knowledgeable on the subject or quick at typing as you are, these quizzes should be open to all of all ages and abilities to enjoy without the worry that times going to run out before they get at least a chance to complete it. Knowledge is not a race. rant over!
I agree a 100% to leave the time as it is. It's especially difficult for those people speaking 4 languages but never know how to spell it correctly !!! True !
I would say only half a minute (or a minute to be nice to slow typers) is necessary for this quiz - at that point, if you haven't answered some, you probably don't know them.
As I stated in an earlier comment,......... A proper quiz does not depend on speed of typing. A typing speed test depends on typing speed. Why do people think that being able to type quickly needs more brains than just answering the questions is beyond me.
Agreed - if you know all the answers and you're testing yourself to see how quickly you can type them in without having to think for a second or two then it is purely a typing test. I can't understan why people want less time? Challenge yourselves with beating your own time and allow others to do likewise.
On quizzes like these, it is implied that these are modern day countries. If it doesn't say that it was from the past then it is always going to be modern day countries.
To jest angielska wersją językową JetPunk, dlatego nie ma możliwości wpisywania nazw obiektów geograficznych w innych językach, niż angielski. Jeżeli chcesz pisać po polsku to zapraszam do polskiej wersji językowej JetPunk, która nie jest tak rozwinięta jak angielską, mimo to znajdziesz tutaj sporo tłumaczeń angielskich quizów, jeżeli nie masz dużej wiedzy na temat angielskich odpowiedników.
I quit not being able to think of the last one, when after 30 seconds I still couldnt picture what it could be (and trying zambia and angola)
I think they are either allready geography nerds, or like me werent good at ALL the first time they did a geography quiz on here (I think i got 85 in the countries of the world the first time (first quiz i did on here I believe), the second time was allready slightly more acceptable (100 or something) and after that compared to people outside of jetpunk you start to get good (160 third time I believe). Geography was allways one of my worst subjects, that changed after a few days on this site. You learn a lot here. Well sports and history I am even worse in, and I dont see that changing haha ( at least the person parts of that, rules and description of games maybe and things like irona age stone age. But nothing with players and minsters and wars etc)
*Writes first Madagascar*
*Facepalms very hard*