In terms of sovereign states, you’re right. But in a context such as this, where the countries of the UK are considered as separate entities, I have to disagree with you.
To pick a nit, you have been on her 4+ years and contributed bugger all quizzes ...why don't you make an effort and contribute a quiz, then we can make daft inane comments about it. Thank you Josh for making this quiz for us.
(I’m great at capitals, but don’t have time to list them all in just five minutes, which would be the only possible approach as I have no idea what countries are relevant here! 😫)
So Europe is the best continent for number of footballing nations, so think of the richer countries here (Italy is a shock omission this year!)
Then you've got the biggest countries from the Americas, plus some of the biggest North/West African countries (Ivory Coast, Algeria, Mali, Egypt are big African football nations that missed out).
Then Asia is a bit weird, it's only Japan/South Korea and then middle east countries.
Funny how a lot of people suddenly care about a country they never gave 2 craps about just because the FBI (due to money interests) told them FIFA is baaad.
How is the description still "Can you name the capitals of the countries that will be playing in the 2022 FIFA World Cup?" That "will" no longer makes sense.
I'd recommend either change the description or add a caveat since Wales isn't typically considered a country in the way the word is used on this site. It'd be a simple fix, and you'd have way less people complaining in the comments.
Talk about daft inane comments.
Football: 😑
No countries: 😤
(I’m great at capitals, but don’t have time to list them all in just five minutes, which would be the only possible approach as I have no idea what countries are relevant here! 😫)
Then you've got the biggest countries from the Americas, plus some of the biggest North/West African countries (Ivory Coast, Algeria, Mali, Egypt are big African football nations that missed out).
Then Asia is a bit weird, it's only Japan/South Korea and then middle east countries.
And lastly, Australia.