That last logo....I don't know how to feel about it. On one hand, you're using that site's logo on a JetPunk quiz...but on another hand you're improving the logo by Jeppy-fying it!
It was Sporcle - it was a funny little joke (at least I thought so) but QM asked me to change it before it got featured, so I just used one of the logos I was going to put in the sequel
Yeah, because it's better to fry the entire poultry selection at Costco than to sacrifice one iconic jeppyfish (I'm joking and agree with the above comment, please don't haunt my dreams)
It was Sporcle - it was a funny little joke (at least I thought so) but QM asked me to change it before it got featured, so I just used one of the logos I was going to put in the sequel
"That site's..."
*grabs popcorn*
I'm not the only one it seems..