Welcome to the Great nation of Holland: where the tulips grow, the windmills turn, the breakfast is chocolatey, the people industrious, and the sea tries to drown it all.
King's day today! Apparently I was born in the second least guessed and now live in the least guessed province...They should send more tourists our way :)
So weird to move that holiday 3 days and then change the name. It's never even been called King's Day before, Princess's Day or Queen's Day. Beatrix didn't move it even if it wasn't her birthday.
I got 8/12 and feel a bit ashamed. I lived 4 years in Limburg after all.
Well, I believe the reason why Beatrix didn't change the date of Queen's day when she got on the throne is because of the fact that her birthday is somewhere in january. The weather is (generally) much nicer in april and since there are so much outdoor activities on Queen's day she chose not to change it. For Willem-Alexander the situation is different because his birthday is in april as well. I wonder what his eldest child Amalia will choose to do for Queen's day when she'll be queen, since her birthday is in december.
It could also be that Beatrix left it as April 30th out of love and respect for her Mother, Queen Juliana. How sad that the younger generation suffers such a dearth of appreciation for their elders.
Me being an American and knowing only very basic Dutch geography (if that), I literally got zero on my first try! I did try Holland, although I didn't realize there was a North and South.
Actually Fryslân is the correct name for the province. "Friesland" is a translation, but not the offical version. Fryslân should be the name which shows up (even though both should be acceptable answers).
@Daan. Without going into the dialect/language question, the name of the province is really Fryslân, whether another name is more common or not. A little like Ivory Coast, we can all call it that, still doesn't mean it's the name of the country (which is Cote D'Ivoire). The offical website will only show the Frisian name, even if you display the site in Dutch rather than Frisian: https://www.fryslan.frl/
In the UK, Friesian cows possibly contribute partly to name recognition, for my part, it's one of four northern provinces I have yet to visit/drive through. Once you have visited a few times it gets fairly easy to remember which you have and haven't visited and as such one of the easier (for me at least), geography quizzes.
@Daan: Frisian is not a dialect. It's a language. And it's actually more closely related to English than to Dutch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frisians#Language
I got 8/12 and feel a bit ashamed. I lived 4 years in Limburg after all.
First of all thanks you for this great quiz!
I wanted to tell you that I have made a French version of this quiz. I am sorry I didn't ask you first. If it bother you I can delete my version.