Suggested Quizzes

U.S. Presidents Quiz0-5.003,033,615
Planets of the Solar System Quiz0-4.88984,747
Simpsons Characters Quiz0-4.43147,115
Books of the Protestant Bible Quiz0-4.83173,310
7 Deadly Sins Quiz0-4.83339,253
World Currency Quiz0-4.92239,016
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Lyrics0-4.83571,937
NATO Military Alphabet0-4.98473,952
English Monarchs Quiz0-4.84431,725
Simpsons Trivia Quiz #40-4.1333,367
Majority Muslim Countries0-4.97306,600
Star Trek Quotes Quiz0-4.0929,015
Family Guy Trivia #10-4.41123,368
American TV Commercials0-4.0727,993
Countries with the Most Billionaires0-4.94273,487
Arrested Development Trivia Quiz0-4.0711,113
100 Most Common English Words0-4.861,113,310
Monarchies of the World0-4.92149,944
Famous Robots and Aliens0-4.3945,064
Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz0-4.89387,166
Original 151 Pokémon0-4.87707,272
Prime Ministers of the UK0-4.94367,735
Sci-Fi and Fantasy Authors0-4.2413,430
Cities with the Biggest Economies0-4.91115,558
Countries by Military Spending0-4.92154,275
NATO Countries Quiz0-4.98217,841
EU Countries Quiz0-4.99221,358
Countries that Start with A0-4.961,870,388
Countries that Start with B0-4.932,009,654
Countries that Start with C0-4.931,587,161
Countries that Start with D0-4.95560,514
Countries that Start with E0-4.931,184,481
Countries that Start with G0-4.951,301,650
Countries that Start with H0-4.91477,904
Countries that Start with I0-4.911,119,098
Countries that Start with J0-4.97481,919
Countries that Start with K0-4.94679,229
Countries that Start with L0-4.97934,008
Countries that Start with N0-4.89959,878
Countries that Start with P0-4.891,060,824
Countries that Start with S0-4.971,550,205
Countries that Start with T0-4.83876,470
Countries that Start with U0-4.97790,881
Countries that Start with V0-4.97513,760
Countries that Start with M0-4.941,210,230
Formula One World Champions0-4.97275,995
Star Trek Characters and Actors0-4.1910,495
Sci-Fi Movie Quotes Quiz0-4.2934,964
Star Wars Characters0-4.32146,500
Gilligan's Island Castaways0-4.115,474
Cities with the Most Metro Rail Stations0-4.8288,379
Disney Channel TV Shows0-3.3690,720
Countries in World War I0-4.91203,621
Locations on The Simpsons0-4.2813,318
Disney Animated Characters0-4.86566,412
Game of Thrones Houses Quiz0-4.5673,236
Game of Thrones - The Book0-4.2683,889
Formula One Countries Visited0-4.92107,329
Dystopian Movies by Plot0-4.3144,387
Countries with the Most Exports0-4.97119,642
Futurama Characters Quiz0-4.4216,751
Family Guy Characters0-4.2956,738
Phineas and Ferb Theme Song Lyrics0-4.3183,767
Countries with the Most Military Troops0-4.93219,589
Star Wars Planets0-4.5746,733
Countries with Nuclear Weapons0-4.89212,841
Most Populous Countries A-Z0-4.98282,573
Doctor Who Actors0-4.5316,513
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99180,353
Ultimate Harry Potter Name Game0-4.95455,883
Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great0-4.9098,391
American Television Siblings0-4.1056,174
Breaking Bad Trivia0-4.2647,201
House M.D. Trivia0-4.168,759
Simpsons Quotes Quiz0-4.3638,992
SNL Cast Members0-4.1018,831
Wikipedia Languages0-4.97113,109
Largest Economies in 20500-4.9096,597
The Office Trivia #10-4.3576,766
All Disney Animated Movies0-4.82372,285
Characters from The Office0-4.3940,374
Last Names from The Office (U.S.)0-4.2921,851
Friends Trivia0-4.12145,695
How I Met Your Mother Quiz0-4.0644,826
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Quiz0-4.3714,237
Seinfeld Trivia #10-4.5529,962
Seinfeld Trivia #20-4.2415,618
Sci-Fi Characters0-4.1024,574
Science Fiction Movie Co-Stars0-4.099,089
Seinfeld Quotes0-4.1825,436
Simpsons Last Names Quiz0-4.1440,961
Orthodox Countries0-4.92113,642
Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP0-4.96232,999
Family Guy Theme Song Lyrics0-4.3575,158
Star Wars Quotes0-4.85151,230
Star Wars Trivia #10-4.18117,383
Star Wars Trivia #20-4.4861,141
Countries by Oil Consumption0-4.96109,466
First Names of U.S. Presidents0-4.84331,467
G1 The Transformers Quiz0-4.5019,908
U.S. Citizenship Test Questions0-4.85195,290
Friends Theme Song Lyrics0-4.30125,892
Buddhist Countries0-4.97127,937
SpongeBob SquarePants Trivia0-4.1151,476
TV Characters A-Z0-4.0829,999
SpongeBob Characters0-4.1261,857
South Park Characters0-4.1135,000
South Park Trivia0-4.0317,371
Coldest World Capitals0-4.96126,534
Countries with the Most Skyscrapers0-4.92116,949
Southernmost Countries A-Z0-4.95138,480
Books of "A Song of Ice and Fire"0-4.3912,325
Top 10 Coldest U.S. States0-4.9297,001
Confederate States of the U.S. Civil War0-4.91120,056
Northernmost Countries A-Z0-4.99167,117
Countries with the Most Borders A-Z0-4.98107,446
Countries with the Most Major Earthquakes0-4.93105,582
Game of Thrones Last Names0-4.4190,130
Least Populous Countries A-Z0-4.99159,602
Most Guessed Countries on JetPunk0-4.97148,477
Axis Occupied Countries of WWII0-4.99200,973
Biggest Countries by Area A-Z0-4.96171,688
Countries of the Japanese Empire0-4.9785,372
Star Wars A-Z0-4.3769,437
Countries with the Most Muslims0-4.90128,061
Word Puzzles - TV Titles #10-4.5429,940
Word Puzzles - TV Titles #20-4.1517,185
Top 100 Harry Potter Characters by Mention0-4.95337,218
All the Pokémon (#0001 to #1025)0-4.96115,593
Most Guessed Capitals on JetPunk0-4.8886,624
Top Five Countries by Religion0-4.89135,828
Game of Thrones Characters by Death0-4.2748,070
Richest Countries A-Z0-4.8584,252
Star Trek Trivia0-4.0510,661
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.92171,984
Countries with the Most Catholics0-4.9389,389
Parks and Recreation Trivia0-4.5318,251
Countries Closest to Spain A-Z0-4.9784,793
Five Most Guessed Countries by Continent0-4.96148,718
U.S. Cities with the Most Skyscrapers0-4.8884,486
Star Wars Decoder0-4.5169,642
Five Most Guessed Capital Cities by Continent0-4.8882,738
Friends A-Z0-4.1935,109
Name the Star Wars Movies0-4.4285,276
Countries by Hottest Recorded Temperature0-4.9278,982
Countries with the Most Nobel Prizes0-4.8681,228
Simpsons Decoder0-4.3929,549
Countries A-Z by Neighbor0-5.00163,100
Main Friends Characters and Actors0-4.3846,605
Marvel Cinematic Universe - All Movies0-4.84265,417
Neutral European Countries of WWII0-4.93126,150
Countries with the Most Hindus0-4.95109,567
Five Biggest Economies by Continent0-4.98156,729
Most Traded Currencies0-4.9487,622
Countries with the Most Christians0-4.93102,055
World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #10-4.96101,084
Five Countries with Most Christians by Continent0-4.9994,503
Capitals of Countries with the Biggest Economies0-4.9086,702
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Africa0-4.99106,761
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Asia0-4.8797,897
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Europe0-4.96172,231
Top 10 Biggest Economies in the Americas0-4.9478,497
Coldest Countries0-4.98120,986
Top 10 Hottest European Countries0-4.89112,387
Top 10 Hottest U.S. States0-4.8297,099
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98164,204
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-4.99132,922
Top 10 Coldest Asian Countries0-4.96114,413
Top 10 Coldest European Countries0-4.95176,628
Shortest Country Name A-Z0-4.99207,251
Friends - Finish the Quote0-4.4431,294
Countries with the Most Elite Universities0-4.9394,774
12x12 Multiplication - The Whopper0-4.8992,115
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.97172,473
Sherlock Holmes Quiz0-4.4820,470
Top 10 Richest Countries in Europe0-4.87130,148
Han Solo Quiz0-4.5223,999
Flags of the Countries that Start with A0-4.95103,358
Game of Thrones Characters by Screen Time0-4.5675,793
Most Guessed U.S. Cities0-4.9187,646
Star Wars Characters by Screen Time0-4.3394,224
Catholic Countries in Europe0-4.8580,343
Flags of the Countries that Start with C0-4.91114,493
The Office - Dunder Mifflin Branches0-4.3020,944
Flags of the Countries that Start with I0-4.95134,525
Five Most Guessed Cities by Continent0-4.97101,743
Most Guessed Cities in Europe - Not Capitals0-4.8677,304
Countries where the Sea Freezes0-4.8979,127
Countries that Start with I - Shape Quiz0-4.8498,643
Word Chain - The Simpsons0-4.5729,254
Most Common English Verbs - Extreme0-4.97130,127
Asian Countries with the Most Christians0-4.8881,431
Richest Countries Bordering Each Other0-4.98117,466
Category Elimination - Countries #10-4.99273,059
Name a Valid U.S. President #10-4.92159,103
Category Elimination - Countries #20-4.98199,171
Random Sequential U.S. States on a Map0-5.00208,761
Category Elimination - Countries #30-4.98190,730
Category Elimination - U.S. States #10-4.91186,111
Game of Thrones - Were You Even Paying Attention?0-3.9725,340