Start of the war.
22 BBY
First battle of Geonosis
This made Cut Lawquane desert the Army.
22 BBY
Attack on a Republic troop transport
The business that Obi-Wan mentioned to Anakin after telling him it was the ninth time he saved him not the tenth.
22 BBY
Mission to Cato Neimoidia
Anakin tells Captain Rex that he apologizes for not leading his men into combat. That a true leader always leads in the front. One of the early conflicts in the war.
22 BBY
Technically took place nine months after the First battle of Geonosis in 21 BBY.
In the Corvair Sector.
22 BBY
There was Intelligence of a possible droid factory here.
22 BBY
Misson to Kudo III
Generals Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Plo Koon were dispatched here to prevent this planet to fall into Separatists hands.
22 BBY
Siege of Hisseen
Ahsoka is introduced here. Also a very important battle.
22 BBY
Jabbas son. Another important battle.
22 BBY
Mina Bonteri's husband was killed here.
22 BBY
Twi'leks home world. One of the longer conflicts in the war and an important one.
22 BBY
Yoda, Rys, Jek, and Lieutenant Thire are sent here in hopes to from a treaty with the people of Toydaria.
22 BBY
Ambush on Rugosa
Where the Republic fought against the Malevolence.
22 BBY
Where the Mud-Jumpers of the 224h were slugging it out.
22 BBY
Hevy, Cutup, Droidbait, Nub, Sergeant O'niner, and CT-327 all die here. Fives and Echo along with Captain Rex and Commander Cody are the only survivors.
22 BBY
Defense of Rishi Station
Mid Rim Planet.
22 BBY
Ahsoka and Grievous duel on skytop station.
22 BBY
Jar Jar is mistaken as a Jedi here.
22 BBY
Mission to Rodia
Technically taking place in 21 BBY, Anakin is caught and then released in an attempt to capture Count Dooku.
Skirmish at Vanqor
Senator Kharrus and Clone Pilot Mack die here upon entry.
21 BBY
Mission to Florrum
Anakin and the 501st Legion rescue Aayla Secura and the 327th Star Corps here.
21 BBY
Anakin, Ahsoka, Aayla, Captain Rex, and Commander Bly are the only ones to defend this village/planet.
21 BBY
Defense of Maridun
"They have overrun the base! We need reinforcements!" Snowy Planet.
21 BBY
Skirmish on Orto Plutonia
Orson Krennic predicted that Republic forces would withdraw from here to prevent further losses.
21 BBY
Siege of Grange
Not so much a battle but could have had an terrible effect on the galaxy if this wasn't prevented. Takes place in the swamps of Naboo.
21 BBY
Raid of Nuvo Vindi's Laboratory.
The cure for this virus of above is here.
21 BBY
Mission to Iego
Ahsoka's Ground fleet gets overrun here but she just cant see it yet.
21 BBY
First battle of Felucia
Cad Bane steals a holocron here.
21 BBY
Raid on the Jedi Temple
General Bolla Ropa dies here.
21 BBY
Where Kit Fisto is from.
21 BBY
Mission to Glee Anselm
Cad Bane is successful in kidnapping Wee Dunn here.
21 BBY
Second mission to Rodia
Where Anakin and Ahsoka rescue a group of kids.
21 BBY
Misson to Mustafar
Mace Windu and Obi-Wan are in a trap thanks to Cad Bane.
21 BBY
Mission to Black Stall Station
A medical stationed that was targeted by General Grievous.
21 BBY
Destruction of Felucia Medical Station
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka along with a group of Bounty Hunters help this village out from pirates.
21 BBY
Skirmish on Felucia
The Zillo Beast is found here.
21 BBY
The Zillo Beast causes chaos through the streets of this planet. (Don't name the Planet)
21 BBY
The Zillo Beast Incident
A plot to see If Rush Clovis was in fact dealing with the separatists.
21 BBY
Mission to Cato Neimoidia
This battle was to distract the republic from going to Geonosis.
21 BBY
One of the bigger battles throughout the war. The 501st, 327th, 212th, 41st, and the special operations unit under Ki-Adi-Mundi were all here in the effort to stop these droid factories.
21 BBY
Second Battle of Geonosis
Mace Windu and his men were able to hold off there defense on this planet but required many medical supplies as a result of their effort.
21 BBY
Defense of Dantooine
These Geonosis worms are aboard this ship and cause chaos amongst the crew.
21 BBY
Skirmish aboard TB-73
The capture of Eeth Koth sparks this short battle.
21 BBY
Many incidents happen in this short period of time. Name any of the planets/places involved.(Hint : Death Watch)
21 BBY
Mandalore Concordia Kalevala The Coronet
Boba Fett destroys this ship single handedly.
21 BBY
Sabotage of the Endurance
Mace Windu and Anakin are trapped here. They send R2-D2 to Coruscant for help.
21 BBY
Mission to Vanqor
Ahsoka and Plo Koon come very close to capturing Aura Sing here.
21 BBY
Second mission to Florrum
This takes place on Mandalore when the Dutches Satine and Padmé discover why the children's water is being poisoned.
21 BBY
Skirmish at the Sundari Docks
Dutches Satine's nephew discovers a certain conspiracy.
21 BBY
Mandalorian black market conspiracy
Obi-Wan sends Anakin to command the Third Legion during a civil war on this planet.
21 BBY
Balith Civil War
Where the Clones are from.
21 BBY
Chi Eekway Papanoida and Che Amanwe Papanoida are rescued after being kidnapped.
21 BBY
Blockade of Pantora
Cad Bane along with a group of Bounty Hunters hold a group of Senators hostage.
21 BBY
Senate hostage crisis
Obi-Wan and Quinlan Vos come close to capturing Cade Bane here.
21 BBY
Showdown on Teth
The power grid of this planet Is bombed.
21 BBY
Bombing of Coruscants central power distribution grid
Asajj Ventress is betrayed by Count Dooku during this battle.
20 BBY
Ventress attempts to assassinate Count Dooku.
20 BBY
Mission to Serenno
Savage Oppress kills Halsey and Knox here.
20 BBY
Devaron Massacre
Savage Oppress kills the king of this planet here.
20 BBY
Showdown on Toydaria
Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka meet The Father, The Daughter, and The Son here.
20 BBY
Mission to Mortis
Even Piell is captured thus sparking this battle.
20 BBY
Lola Sayu
Ahsoka is kidnapped during this battle.
20 BBY
Second battle of Felucia
Ahsoka is recused here by the Republic and some Wookies.
20 BBY
Where Admiral Akbar is from.
20 BBY
Mon Cala
General Grievous is temporarily captured here.
20 BBY
Skirmish on Naboo
Adi Gallia is recused after this battle.
20 BBY
Patitite Pattuna
One of the worst battles if not the worst battle. Shadow people live here.
20 BBY
Ahsokas people are from here but wonders where they are upon arrival.
20 BBY
A certain slave empire is here.
20 BBY
The 104th Battalion rescue Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Captain Rex, and the people of Kiros here.
20 BBY
Ahsoka and Lux Bonteri along with R2-D2 are involved in this incident.
20 BBY
Cad Bane escape along with an undercover Obi-Wan.
20 BBY
Riot at the Republic Judiciary Detention Center
Anakin almost spoils the plans of finding out what the separatists are up to when he finds out that Obi-Wan is still alive after fighting him in is undercover look.
20 BBY
Showdown on Orondia
After The Box challenges. Count Dooku tells a group of Bounty Hunters about a certain plan.
20 BBY
Plan to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine
The Nightsisters are slaughtered here.
20 BBY