Twi'lek killed on Felucia.
Aayla Secura
Killed by Savage Oppress on Florrum.
Adi Gallia
Zabrak Jedi who was apart of the team to arrest Palpatine.
Agen Kolar
First appeared during the Battle of Christophsis and eventually became an all time fan favorite.
Ahsoka Tano
Mahran male Jedi Knight. Not much is Known.
The Chosen One.
Anakin Skywalker
Started as a Jedi, then became a Sith assassin, then was a Bounty Hunter briefly before following her own path.
Asajj Ventress
Female Togruta Jedi youngling a part of the Bear Clan.
There Master was Khaat Qiyn.
Bairdon Jace
This Jedi betrayed the Jedi Order by bombing the Jedi Temple Hanger, but would eventually realize that she was wrong during the reign of the Empire.
Barris Offee
Vaders grandson. Not his Sith name.
Ben Solo
One of the three Jedi seen on the security hologram at the Jedi Temple being killed by the newly appointed Vader.
He's a Bounty Hunter when we first meet him, but he turns out to be Jedi the entire time and is working with the Empire.
Bode Akuna
A Rodian Jedi that was killed in an attempt to get information of the Cyber memory crystal by Cad Bane.
Bolla Ropal
There master was Mace Windu and was seen at the First Battle of Geonosis.
Bultar Swan
Ithorian Yougling part of the gathering.
Maz Kanata has a statue of this ancient Jedi master during the Old Jedi Order.
Cherff Maota
A master duelist that was killed by Vader at the Jedi Temple.
Cin Drallig
Ongree Jedi Master and survived Order 66.
Coleman Kcaj
Was killed by Jango Fett on Geonosis.
Coleman Trebor
Was a Jedi before becoming Darth Sidious apprentice during the Clone Wars.
Count Dooku
Chalactan killed on Kaller.
Depa Billaba
Not super well known but this Jed is from Mon Cala.
Eekar Oki
Was captured by General Grievous over Saleucami and also survived Order 66.
Eeth Koth
She wan hunted down by Darth Maul, Cad Bane, Aurra Sing, Vorhdeilo, and Troo-tril-tek. This Jedi is a Twi'lek Padawan.
Eldra Kaitas
Lannik killed on Lola Sayu.
Even Piell
From Lothal and becomes part of a small Rebel team. Was trained by Kanan Jarrus.
Ezra Bridger
Iktotchi Jedi whose apprentice was Verla. They would also go on to survive the Jedi Purge.
Ferren Barr
Male Nikto Jedi Knight who participated at the First Battle of Geonosis.
Fi-Ek Sirch
Killed by Darth Maul on an Outer Rim Spaceport.
Finn Ertay
There master was Sora Bulq. Not. much is known about this Jedi.
Galdos Stouff
Rodian Padawan part of the Gathering.
Very Very rare to see this species as a Jedi. Was also part of the gathering. Survived Order 66.
Roonan killed on Devaron.
His name means "I'm going to die".
Ima-Gun Di
Male Nikto Jedi Master. Not much is known.
J'oopi Shé
Male Whiphid Jedi youngling part of the Bear Clan.
The Twi'lek Jedi that was kidnapped by Trandoshans along with Kalifa, O-mer, and Ahsoka.
Same as above but this Jedi was killed.
Chief Librarian.
Jocasta Nu
He survived Order 66 after escaping The Bad Batch on Kaller. He would go on to join the Rebels, train Ezra, and have a son with Hera Syndulla. Also his real name is Caleb.
Kanan Jarrus
Tholothian Jedi a part of the gathering.
Jedi Master during the Clone Wars. Nothing is known about this character.
There apprentice is Bairdon Jace.
Khaat Qiyn
Carean killed on Mygeeto.
This Jedi Master survived Order 66 by taking the Barash vow.
Kirak Infil'a
Killed along with Agen Kolar, Saesee Tinn, and Mace Windu. From Glee Anselm.
Kit Fisto
Nautolan Jedi padawan that was killed on Devaron.
This Jedi found Asajj Ventress.
Ky Narec
Female Human Jedi youngling. Not much is known about this Jedi.
Lexa Tcheil