Yes it is quite remarkable isn't it that jet punkers simply don't realise that the residents of Scotland voted for it to become an independent nation several years ago and that now it is a member of the UN in its own right.
i was looking for countries that end with "landia" in Polish which is typical for names ended with "land" in English and for like 90 seconds i couldn't realise that my own country is correct answer lmao
Finland, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Thailand, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Somaliland, and Puntland. these are all 'land' countries you missed
Holland is Netherlands, I suppose Netherlands should be here but it has "lands" instead of "land", same with the Marshall Islands and the Solomon Islands but they also have "lands" instead of "land". Holland is also the informal name for Netherlands anyway.
Great Quiz! I read the test rule about the "lands", but my mind still got stuck on Netherlands and I missed half the countries, because I was just thinking why can't I put it Netherlands.
Probably wasn't changed when Swaziland was removed
me : " realizes it end with -lands"
*Scotland has left the chat*