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This is the biggest city in the UK by urban area population that is not the capital:
About 2.6 M people live in Birmingham, 2.5 M in Manchester and 2.2 M in Leeds
The only country without a rectangular flag:
The largest city in all of Africa by urban population:
At 21 M people Lagos is estimated to be Africas fastest growing city, already being the largest one.
The arguably highest unclimbed mountain in the world lies within this country:
With its 7570 m the Guangkhar Puensum is prohibited to be climbed in respect for local beliefs
This freshwater lake had formerly been the fourth largest in the world, today it's only a tenth of its size.
It shrank due to divertion of the main inflows for cotton production in the 1960's.
This countries flag got humans on it:
The most populous out of the -stans:
About 208.000 M people live in Pakistan, the second most populous -stan is Afghanistan with about 31 M
This country fought against the USSR in the winter war:
This war between the USSR and Finland lasted from 30th of November 1939 until the 13th of March 1940
Country with the most UNESCO world heritage sites:
Italy has got 53, China 52, Spain 46 and France 43.
One of these countries is an independent republic associated with the USA:
The full name of this country is ''Plurination state of (country here)'':
This country owns the westernmost spot of mainland Africa:
Cap Verd, Senegal is the most western point on mainland Africa.
This country is home to the highest percentage of muslims in the Ibadi branch:
Ibadites make up about 40-45% of Oman, there is an important minority of Sunni, whereas theres only about 2% Shia.
The state capital of Nevada:
Biggest lake in mesoamerica:
Lake Nicaraguas size of 8.264 km² makes it the largest in mesoamerica.