My parents went on a farm tour of the USSR and visited Tashkent in the 1970s. It was a memorable trip for them, and yet I missed the one agricultural question on the quiz.
I find it funny that I know much more about Uzbekistan than Poland. Got all correct on this one but only about half on the Poland one (prob the hardest country quiz I took so far). Granted, I think the clues on this quiz are less specific than the Poland one. For the record though WT2008, 13/15 is a pretty good score for a country many people don't even know exists.
You could add something about its historical significance to make the clue for the 2nd city easier, probably. Maybe point out that it's one of the oldest continually-inhabited cities in Central Asia and the world, or put it after the Silk Road question and allude to the fact that it was an important waypoint on the above.
Possibly a misunderstanding - Aral refer(red) to the islands the sea used to have, not to the Urals. You could be right though. So sad to use the past tense referring to the Aral Sea, I know change happens but it feels like a loss for some reason.
Suggestion: remove the lame "Central Asia" question and add (if it isn't too difficult) "Mathematical procedure named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi". Answer: Algorithm. Al-Khwarizmi was an important mathematician of the Islamic golden age, probably born in Uzbekistan.
No mention of plov anywhere on this quiz.
(Fortunately, Samarqand worked.)
(Not that I would have gotten it anyway, but at least now I can place the answer.)
Got better percentage on this than the USA one lol