
Uzbekistan Country Quiz

Can you guess these facts about the Republic of Uzbekistan?
Quiz by Difluzi
Last updated: January 15, 2023
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First submittedApril 5, 2018
Times taken23,549
Average score70.6%
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The capital of Uzbekistan
Official language
Called by some the "de-facto" second official language
Until 1991, Uzbekistan was part of this country
Soviet Union
Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein are the only countries that are ...
Doubly Landlocked
Predominant religion
Formerly the world's fourth largest lake, now mostly evaporated
Aral Sea
Every country that Uzbekistan borders ends in these four letters
Region that Uzbekistan is part of
Central Asia
Uzbekistan is part of this ancient region which gave its name to the two-humped camel
First major empire that Uzbekistan was part of
Achaemenid Empire
(Persian Empire)
Conqueror who conquered the area in 327 BC
Alexander the Great
Overland trade route which passed through Uzbekistan until the 18th century
Silk Road
Second-most populous city, which was an important waypoint on the above.
Warlord born in the city of Shahrisabz in 1336 whose conquests killed an
estimated 5% of the world population
Uzbekistan's primary cash crop (hint: starts with C)
Larger ethnic group which includes Uzbeks, Kazakhs, and Uyghurs
Level 74
May 17, 2020
My parents went on a farm tour of the USSR and visited Tashkent in the 1970s. It was a memorable trip for them, and yet I missed the one agricultural question on the quiz.
Level 71
Aug 19, 2020
Well, you weren't on that trip, so I guess it wasn't memorable for you. Don't beat yourself up for not remembering something you didn't experience.
Level 84
May 17, 2020
Karimov, Bukhara, Registan, Fergana valley - all too difficult for this quiz?
Level 59
Sep 23, 2020
I tried Bukhara for the silk road.
Level 77
May 18, 2020
I thought to myself - how much do I actually know about Uzbekistan? Probably not much. Turns out 13/15 which is way better than I would have expected!
Level 71
Aug 12, 2020
I find it funny that I know much more about Uzbekistan than Poland. Got all correct on this one but only about half on the Poland one (prob the hardest country quiz I took so far). Granted, I think the clues on this quiz are less specific than the Poland one. For the record though WT2008, 13/15 is a pretty good score for a country many people don't even know exists.
Level 58
Aug 13, 2020
I'm pretty sure these questions were way more basic than the Polish ones. It was'nt that much abouth Uzbek culture
Level 63
May 18, 2020
Surprised that Samarkand and Timur are not well-known.
Level 78
Aug 12, 2020
I think many people have heard of them but have only a vague idea of where they belong to geographically.
Level 67
Aug 12, 2020
Definitely the case for me. Knew the names and their general relevance, but didn't know they were related to Uzbekistan.
Level 77
May 18, 2020
I misspelled Samarkand by typing Samarkhand. Shame me!

No mention of plov anywhere on this quiz.

Level 74
May 18, 2020
Shame! Shame!

(Fortunately, Samarqand worked.)

Level 73
Jan 15, 2023
Same, I think this should be added as a type-in.
Level 82
Jan 15, 2023
Plov was originally in the quiz but was removed when it was featured :c
Level 75
May 18, 2020
Typo: "Ukbekistan's primary cash crop"
Level 74
May 28, 2020
Third question from the end; Uzbekistan is misspelled.
Level 79
Jun 4, 2020
Perhaps Temur and Taimur could also be accepted?
Level 91
Aug 12, 2020
As others have said before, this was easier than I expected.
Level 84
Aug 12, 2020
Most of these quizzes accept English alternatives. So why not Tamerlane?
Level 81
Aug 12, 2020
Timur the Lame. But it would make sense to accept Tamerlane, too.
Level 83
Dec 4, 2021
Ohhhhh Timur is Tamerlane! Thank you! I was wondering why I'd never heard of him. Turns out I had, heh.

(Not that I would have gotten it anyway, but at least now I can place the answer.)

Level 81
Aug 12, 2020
You could add something about its historical significance to make the clue for the 2nd city easier, probably. Maybe point out that it's one of the oldest continually-inhabited cities in Central Asia and the world, or put it after the Silk Road question and allude to the fact that it was an important waypoint on the above.
Level 63
Aug 12, 2020
Or the capital of Timur's empire.
Level 81
Aug 12, 2020
Met a bunch of Uzbeks when I was in Northern Cyprus.
Level 71
Aug 19, 2020
You mean in Europe?
Level 81
Aug 24, 2020
I said what I meant.
Level 69
Feb 28, 2024
Nobody cares
Level 49
Aug 13, 2020
Got them all while hoping to guess half. Feels good.
Level 43
Aug 14, 2020
anyone else stepped foot here?
Level 62
Sep 7, 2020
Should "Ural Sea" be an acceptable spelling? I remember growing up learning about the Ural Sea, I think?
Level 75
Dec 5, 2020
Possibly a misunderstanding - Aral refer(red) to the islands the sea used to have, not to the Urals. You could be right though. So sad to use the past tense referring to the Aral Sea, I know change happens but it feels like a loss for some reason.
Level 61
Sep 14, 2020
Pretty easy to ace compared to other country quizzes, never having been to Uzbekistan.
Level 70
Sep 15, 2020
At one point, I typed in Andromeda galaxy, wondering if that's where camels came from, but it turns out that's the one-humped kind.
Level 77
Nov 18, 2020
Suggestion: remove the lame "Central Asia" question and add (if it isn't too difficult) "Mathematical procedure named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi". Answer: Algorithm. Al-Khwarizmi was an important mathematician of the Islamic golden age, probably born in Uzbekistan.
Level 75
Dec 5, 2020
That's a sexy question!
Level 20
Jun 24, 2021
As an Uzbek myself, I enjoyed the quiz :D
Level 63
Mar 28, 2024
Love the tumbnail guy. He's got nice big ears.
Level 35
Sep 1, 2024
Level 53
Oct 27, 2024
Easy ;D

Got better percentage on this than the USA one lol