Hint | Organ | % Correct |
A pair of organs that permit sight. | Eyes | 98%
A muscular organ responsible for pumping blood around the circulatory system. | Heart | 98%
The largest organ - covers the body. | Skin | 98%
The organs responsible for hearing and balance. | Ears | 97%
A pair of organs containing alveoli which inflate and draw in air for respiration. | Lungs | 97%
Responsible for smell and breathing. | Nose | 97%
The opening to the digestive system, containing the teeth and the tongue. | Mouth | 96%
This organ is the main site of digestion, containing hydrochloric acid. | Stomach | 96%
The largest internal organ responsible for secreting bile and detoxifying blood. | Liver | 93%
The male sex organ which is also used for urination. | Penis | 92%
An organ made up of nervous tissue responsible for memory and control over the body. | Brain | 91%
A pair of organs that excrete urine to the above. Humans are able to live with just one. | Kidneys | 90%
A sac in the abdomen which stores urine for excretion. | Bladder | 87%
An organ in the female body where a child is conceived and gestates prior to birth. | Womb | 86%
Part of the intestine made up of the caecum, colon and rectum. | Large Intestine | 85%
Part of the intestine made up of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. | Small Intestine | 85%
The female reproductive organs where eggs are produced before ovulation. | Ovaries | 77%
An organ that secretes enzymes and manufactures hormones. | Pancreas | 75%
A hollow organ forming an air passage to the lungs. This organ is how we can make sound. | Larynx | 66%
An abdominal organ responsible for producing white blood cells and removing red blood cells. | Spleen | 64%