Harry Potter by Letter - D

Harry Potter quiz where all answers begin with a D
Answers from the books!
Unless specified, when a name is required it will be the surname that starts with the letter given.
Quiz by Ianto42
Last updated: September 19, 2017
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First submittedSeptember 19, 2017
Times taken86
Average score68.8%
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Guards of Azkaban, tall and black robed skeletal creatures whose kiss is said to be worse than death?
First name of Harry's platinum blond Hogwarts rival?
Draco Malfoy
Excitable wizard in a purple top hat, who shakes Harry's hand many times in the Leaky Cauldron on Harry's first visit.
Dedalus Diggle
A follower of the Dark Lord?
Death Eater
Core used for some Ollivander wands?
Dragon Heartstring
The horcrux made from a former possession of Rowena Ravenclaw?
Bulgarian based school that is one of the competitors at the Triwizard Tournament?
Durmstrang Institute
First name of the West Ham United loving friend of Harry?
Dean Thomas
Name given to Harry's rogue Defence Against The Dark Arts classes, given in secret in his fifth year?
Dumbledore's Army
Popular wizarding newpaper whose bias is somewhat questionable?
Daily Prophet
It's deadly fun, but will sulk in the sun…
Devil's Snare
Class taught, sort of, by Professor Trelawney?
Magical beast that there was an infestion of in the drawing room of Grimmauld Place?
The area of the Ministry where the Hall of Prophecy can be found?
Department of Mysteries
Follower of Voldemort, first name Antonin?
Antonin Dolohov
The result of casting the incantation 'morsmordre'?
Dark Mark
Level 43
Aug 27, 2022
Can you just accept Durmstrang rather than having to type in institute too?