Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Mainly French-speaking province of Canada | Quebec | 98%
Country in the Persian gulf | Qatar | 94%
One of New York City's five boroughs | Queens | 89%
Capital of Ecuador | Quito | 88%
Holy scripture of Islam | Qur'an | 73%
One of the cities that make up Metropolitan Manila | Quezon City | 37%
Dictator of Libya until 2011 | Qadhafi | 32%
Where Family Guy takes place | Quahog | 31%
Currency of Guatemala | Quetzal | 26%
Chinese city, namesake of Tsingtao beer | Qingdao | 22%
Iranian city, located southwest of capital Tehran | Qom | 17%
Pie with bacon or lardon, named after a region of France | Quiche lorraine | 17%
State of Mexico, located on the Yucatán Peninsula | Quintana Roo | 15%
Provincial capital of Balochistan, Pakistan | Quetta | 9%
Province of western China | Qinghai | 7%
Alternative spelling of an ethnic group of Central Asia, consisting of appr. 17 million people | Qazaq | 2%
City in central Vietnam | Quy Nhơn | 2%
Greenlandic town, also known as Julianehåb | Qaqortoq | 1%
If you go straight south from Burma, you end up in this area of the Antarctica | Queen Mary Land | 1%
Central Asian desert, between rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya | Qyzylqum | 1%
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