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Japanese Language - Katakana Practice
The following katakana characters are in random order. Please write the Rōmaji (transliteration) in each yellow box.
If the characters don't display properly, you either don't have a font with Japanese characters installed, or your browser is not set to the right coding.
This could be useful for English speaking travelers in Japan. There are many English words in Japanese, and they are usually written in Katakana. So by learning these 46 symbols you can read a large number of words on signs. My friend used this skill, for example, to follow a sign to a ferry.
Yes katakana are very useful for borrowed foreign words. If you are looking for something native to Japanese, it's also useful to know the hiragana e.g. when looking for sushi :) Maybe a hiragana quiz too?
Ah this is what I have been looking for. All the other apps I use separate them into chunks so I have a false impression of knowing them all. For example the s and t's are grouped together so I always get them right due to a process of elimination, or the familiarity of them around that set.
I say tsu is like tsunami water coming down (don't question my thought process) and shi is like sheep (same sorta sound) running. Because sheep don't run vertically.
Idk, it's probably a useless technique, but I had to share with the world :)
Idk, it's probably a useless technique, but I had to share with the world :)