Quizzes by Nikhaz

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user Nikhaz.
# of Quizzes 65
# Featured 2
# Subscribers 6
Times taken 66,201
Quizmaker Rank # 689
52,6222019-07-01 Tectonic Plates Map Quiz
5,7002023-11-06 Dallas City Trivia
1,1702019-03-135000 Digits of Pi - No Yellow Box
6482020-05-25The Legend of Korra Quiz
5042020-05-26US Cities with the Most Fortune 500 Companies
4962020-08-21The Avatars
4432019-03-07River Decoder
3982018-01-01Country Flags That Contain the Color Blue
2662021-06-22Avatar: The Last Airbender Quiz
2512020-05-24Avatar World Leaders
2152020-06-06Star Wars Vocabulary
1772020-06-06Star Wars Vocabulary #2
1552020-05-25Female Star Wars Characters
1302020-06-27Random Base Conversion - Decimal to Binary
1292020-09-05Members of the Order of the White Lotus
1182018-11-12Largest Airports By Land Area
1172018-11-27Busiest Airports by Aircraft Movements
1142020-03-24Star Wars Planets and Moons by Trilogy - The Prequels
1062019-04-30Longest Airport Runways in the World
1032019-07-26Most Compact Country Shapes
1032020-06-10Acropolis Landmarks on a Map
1012020-06-27Random Base Conversion - Binary to Decimal
1012019-07-26Five Biggest Cities by River
1002019-06-26The Gaits of a Horse
992017-12-28Country Flags That Contain the Color Purple or Maroon
942019-05-26Random Base Conversion - Hex to Binary
912019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Episode I
812019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Episode IV
802019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons
802020-03-24Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Episode III
772019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Trilogy - The Originals
772019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Episode II
772019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Episode V
752019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Episode VI
732020-05-27US Cities with Multiple Fortune 100 Companies
692019-05-26Random Base Conversion - Binary to Hex
652019-05-26Random Base Conversion - Decimal to Hex
592020-05-25Earth Rumble VI Wrestlers
552019-07-05The English Alphabet
552020-09-06Members of the Order of the Red Lotus
502019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Rogue One
482020-06-04Texas Cities with Spanish Names - Extreme Edition
462021-04-09Star Wars Planets and Moons by Trilogy - The Sequels
462019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Episode IX
432017-12-28Country Flags That Contain the Color Black
422020-05-24Country Flags With People
402019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Solo
402020-06-04Texas Cities with Spanish Names
392019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Episode VIII
392019-05-26Random Base Conversion - Hex to Decimal
362019-12-29Star Wars Planets and Moons by Movie - Episode VII
302017-12-28Country Flags That Contain the Color Brown
292020-05-24Pro-Bending Teams
282021-04-01The Incredibles Family
272019-05-26Random Base Conversion - Binary to Octal
262017-12-28Country Flags That Contain the Color Orange
222020-05-23Rice University Serveries
202019-06-26Oldest Amusement Parks in the United States
162019-05-26Random Base Conversion - Decimal to Octal
152019-05-26Random Base Conversion - Octal to Decimal
122019-07-01Random Base to Decimal
122019-05-26Random Base Conversion - Octal to Binary
102019-06-26Oldest Amusement Parks in the World
62019-05-26Random Base Conversion - Octal to Hex
52019-05-26Random Base Conversion - Hex to Octal