What should Jude do with a sad song?
Make it better
How many days in a week do they have nothing but love?
Who called John in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies?
a girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Paul wants to introduce to you, this act you've known for all these years:
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Which part of you do the Beatles want to hold? [When they touch you, they feel happy inside.]
What does George see coming that makes him think it's alright?
The Sun
John wants to take you down because he's going to this place.
Strawberry Fields
Paul meanwhile sees a barber showing photographs on this street.
Penny Lane
What helps Ringo [and all of us, apparently] live beneath the waves?
A yellow submarine
What seemed so far away yesterday, but now looks as though they're here to stay?
All Paul's troubles
She picks up the rice in a church where her wedding has been.
Eleanor Rigby
Who comes to Paul in times of trouble, speaking words of wisdom?
Mother Mary
What does old flattop use to see as he come groovin' up slowly?
Joo-joo eyeball
What is Paul willing to do, my friend, if it makes you feel alright?
Buy you diamond rings
What does John need from somebody, not just anybody? He never needed this when he was younger, so much younger than today.
Who do John and Paul want [to love them do]?
Someone to love
Somebody new
Someone like you
What is one thing John [or Mr. No Shoeshine] can tell you?
You've got to be free
Last night John said these words to his girl:
I know you never even try, girl
What is all you need, so there's nothing you can do that can't be done?
You think you've lost your love? I saw her yesterday, and she told me what to say. She says:
She loves you
What happens while George looks at the world and he notices it's turning?
His guitar gently weeps
The Top Notes want you to do these after shaking it up, baby.