How, exactly, do you propose to make it harder? I really would like to know. Less time? It is wonderful that you know all the countries, and all the capitals of those countries, but I really don't see how one could make this quiz harder, except for a tighter time constraint.
- do not group the countries and capitals inside continental lists. Just mix the answers all together.
- if possible, increase the difficulty of the previous by changing the order in which the answers appear. An alternative way is to list the answers by order in which they are guessed.
There is a simlar quizz at sporcle. However, the list of countries is NOT grouped by continents, nor is it by alphabetic order. This means it is absolutely necessary to keep constant memeory track of which countries and capitals one has included. I would say that is hardest than the present quizz.
- do not group the countries and capitals inside continental lists. Just mix the answers all together.
- if possible, increase the difficulty of the previous by changing the order in which the answers appear. An alternative way is to list the answers by order in which they are guessed.
its really hard