Blue, Red, White
Australia | Cambodia | Chile | Costa Rica | Cuba | + 19 others
Red, White
Austria | Bahrain | Canada | Denmark | Georgia | + 10 others
Green, Red, Yellow
Benin | Bolivia | Burkina Faso | Cameroon | + 7 others
Green, Red, White
Algeria | Belarus | Bulgaria | Burundi | Hungary | + 6 others
Blue, Red, Yellow
Armenia | Chad | Colombia | + 3 others
Blue, White, Yellow
Argentina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Kosovo | + 3 others
Black, Green, Red, White
Iraq | Jordan | Kenya | Kuwait | Libya | + 3 others
Black, Green, Red, Yellow
Ghana | Guinea-Bissau | São Tomé and Príncipe | + 2 others
Blue, White
Finland | Greece | Honduras | Israel | Micronesia | Somalia
Green, Red, White, Yellow
Myanmar | Suriname | Tajikistan | Togo | Turkmenistan
Blue, Green, Red, White, Yellow
Central African Republic | Comoros | Namibia | Seychelles
Blue, Red, White, Yellow
Cape Verde | Kiribati | Malaysia | Philippines
Red, Yellow
China | Kyrgyzstan | North Macedonia | Vietnam
Blue, Green, Red, White
Azerbaijan | Djibouti | Gambia | Uzbekistan
Blue, Yellow
Kazakhstan | Palau | Sweden | Ukraine
Green, White
Nigeria | Pakistan | Saudi Arabia
Black, Red, Yellow
Angola | Belgium | Germany