Can you name the 20 highlighted countries on the map below? The answers change every time you play!
A topological map is a type of diagram that has been simplified so that only vital information, such as borders, remains. Other details, such as size and shape, have been removed.
Well, you are only supposed to guess the countries highlighted in blue, so China may not have been highlighted, since the answers change every time you take the quiz.
Papua New Guinea is topologically equivalent with East Timor (which can also nicely be seen on this map). You could consider adding East Timor to the answers there.
I don't care if I am the only one in the world, but I hate trying these quizzes. Not that I don't think the work done to create them is impressive nor that I believe they shouldn't be featured for the pleasure of those who enjoy them. They just fall beside my personal interests. Just like I dislike golf while I find golf courses beautiful and understand those who enjoy the sport.
This is honestly one of the most respectful rejections of my quiz and I totally understand. It's kind of like some art pieces: I know that the artists worked very hard on them but I just might not find them very interesting or appealing. So thank you for this comment because I'm sure others feel the same way too :)
Unfortunately, I think this is the way that all randomized quizzes work. It would be cool to see the stats on how many people got each country correct too, but it's not a feature with randomized quizzes to my knowledge :(
This is one of the best possible ideas for the geography afficionados here. I can name every country so most of these quizes are getting boring, but I still miss them! This was a great variation that allows me to think again.
After years of staring at these in confusion I finally figured it out-ish. (If you dont get it its basically broken up into continents, thats how I did it)
Some parts felt very intuitive other parts more counterintuitive. Either way, refreshing! Stimulates the braincells in quite a different way than most of the quizzes here.
Had to randomly guess 2 countries, then i began understanding the map. Missed only Belize, which i feel silly over. I knew it was in North America, and i see that only one side of it is bordering a body of water, but i went up and thought it was an island in the carribean
Papua New Guinea is topologically equivalent with East Timor (which can also nicely be seen on this map). You could consider adding East Timor to the answers there.
I spent some time at highschool doing this kind of maps on my notebook when maths lesson was too boring.
What a pleasure to do your quizz! Thank you!
can somebody translate it into German?
My english is not so good.....sorry.