
Topological Map of Mainland Europe

A topological map is a type of diagram that has been simplified so that only vital information, such as borders, remains and unnecessary detail, such as size and shape, has been removed. Fill in this map of Europe by correctly guessing each highlighted country.
Does not include island nations
The black areas represent large bodies of water
If two countries have the exact same borders (e.g., Norway and Finland), make your decision based on general geography (following the coast of the Baltic Sea from Estonia, you hit Finland first and then Norway)
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Quiz by zwerth66
Last updated: April 17, 2024
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First submittedJune 19, 2020
Times taken22,261
Average score68.3%
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
San Marino
Vatican City
This Country is:
Level 73
Jun 19, 2020
Awesome quiz, I think Norway & Finland are supposed to be the other way around?
Level 69
Jun 19, 2020
Thanks! Addressing the Norway/Finland confusion, if you go from Latvia to Estonia to Russia along the coast of the Baltic Sea, you then hit Finland first before reaching Norway, which is why Finland is on the left side on this map, despite its actual geographic location. Hope that makes sense :)
Level 73
Jun 20, 2020
I think this should be addressed in the instructions or caveats though (San Marino & Vatican City too)
Level 69
Jun 20, 2020
Yes, good point. I will make sure to address some of the more confusing parts of the quiz.
Level 75
Sep 1, 2022
Topologicaly speaking both Finland and Norway are interchangeable since they surround and are surrounded by the same countries, the same happens with Vatican and San Marino. Both should be accepted in either case as they are in the topological world where size, distance or proximity do not matter.

Also it avoids pendantics like me going to the commentary section.

Level 67
Apr 24, 2023
I agree
Level 67
Jul 8, 2020
Love it! A challenge for sure.
Level 72
Sep 25, 2020
Amazing Quiz! This series is the one of the most innovative ideas I've seen.
Level 55
Oct 4, 2020
Can you add more time?
Level 69
Oct 4, 2020
Yes, I can add an extra 2 minutes.
Level 78
Nov 16, 2020
1st time, 100%. Love it :)
Level 78
Nov 16, 2020
Level 57
Dec 22, 2020
Love it.
Level 57
Mar 2, 2021
I got Finland and Norway the wrong way round, I read the rules and saw general geography so I assumed that Norway would be the one on the left as it is further west, guess that goes to show you should always read the rules properly and not read half of it and assume you've got it
Level 62
Apr 19, 2021
Good work, like it. The wee square of countries in the top right had me foxed for a while - a good challenge.
Level 85
Apr 27, 2021
Even with the caveat, I still got Norway and Finland switched. The "general geography" comment made me think that, by general geographic reason reasoning, Norway is more western than Finland, and should therefore be the more western country (especially after getting San Marino and Vatican city correct by reasoning which is the more southern). It seems like this is confusing more people than it's helping, let's just put the countries where they belong
Level 61
Apr 27, 2021
Nah. I got it wrong, but I failed to note the caveat.

Makes sense.

Level 66
May 29, 2021
I completely agree : Finland is indeed closer to Baltic countries, but it is eastern than Norway : "general geography" could lead to either of the positions.
Level 58
Jun 16, 2021
In fact, Norway goes further east than Finland
Level 84
Apr 27, 2021
There's nothing wrong with Finland and Norway, the only caveat is needed for Italy's enclaves.
Level 70
May 14, 2021
My home country Serbia being the biggest spot is really surprising...
Level 37
Aug 13, 2021
It's got lots of borders!
Level 41
May 25, 2021
This might be my favourite quiz on jetpunk, 100% first time round I'm so proud hahaha nice quiz
Level 66
May 29, 2021
Like many, got Norway and Finland wrong :'(
Level 80
Jun 11, 2021
If it weren't for the caveat I would have got Finland and Norway the wrong way round!
Level 66
Jun 12, 2021
I think that San Marino and Vatican City should be correct either way around. You could argue that San Marino should be on top since it's further north, Portugal is in the north-west corner of this map so that logic isn't used.
Level 47
Jul 27, 2024
Yes, also, calling this a "topological" map is obviously incorrect if the order of San Marino and Vatican matters...
Level 60
Jun 12, 2021
i have bacon's standard map of europe map from thumbnail at home :D
Level 67
Jun 12, 2021
bad map

norway and finland shouldnt be that way

Level 75
Jun 12, 2021
Fantastic. Even if you don't 100% get it at the start you get to recognise the patterns pretty quickly and it's all the more satisfying for that. Kicking myself for not recognising Scandinavia!

BTW I'm not convinced that the explanation for Norway/Finland makes sense. Why would east/west be "unnecessary detail", but "following the coastline from Estonia" be "vital information"? Since they're there on their own why does it assume that there's any sort of path that's being followed? Would it just be better to admit that either could be either?

I did read the previous explanation, still not convinced, but very happy to be shown to be wrong!

Level 69
Jun 12, 2021
Am I the only person to observe that "following the coastline from Estonia" the sequence is Russia, then Finland, then Sweden? Norway is not on the Baltic at all.
Level 63
Jun 12, 2021
That’s what’s shown as well; if you look closely, you’ll see Sweden is still between Norway and Finland. The order of answers simply happens to loop back to Sweden.
Level 70
Jun 12, 2021
100% on my first try! great challenge
Level 65
Jun 13, 2021
nice one. It would really help if you could check already guessed countries.
Level 89
Jun 14, 2021
omg yes. I would find that extremely helpful on any of these topographic map quizzes, in fact.
Level 69
Aug 18, 2022
Yes, please!
Level 71
Jun 14, 2021
Noted that two pairs of answers were ambiguous, and that the caveat didn't necessarily help in those instances. I say make the caveat be one way or the other- not both, since having two caveats that give different answers and not stating clearly which caveat trumps the other is just unclear. Otherwise, awesome quiz!
Level 69
Jun 16, 2021
I lovw this
Level 67
Aug 7, 2021
Played this twice and got Norway and Finland the wrong way both times, don't get it
Level 37
Aug 13, 2021
At first I was confused how to start, but then I saw Italy with it's 2 enclaves and was like "maybe start with Italy, the Vatican and San Marino, dummy!"
Level 56
Sep 28, 2021
amazing quiz!!! congratulations for the creator, really well done ;)
Level 24
Feb 4, 2022
Even if Italy and Moldova were very obvious to me it still took me 3 tries to understand the logic of the game, but once I did I loved it!
Level 57
Aug 22, 2022
Super confusing.
Level 36
Dec 10, 2022
Took a couple tries to get used to it, but otherwise, such a cool quiz!! I’m trying out the other countries, i love the idea :D
Level 67
Feb 12, 2023
Same here. The ending is stressful, but once you get the flow, it's fun!
Level 55
May 19, 2023
I have no idea how I managed to pull through that easily, it actually makes sense once you connect the order and the connections
Level 62
Apr 15, 2024
If the countries' names could be shown when guessed correctly, it would be very helpful.
Level 81
Apr 16, 2024
Your parenthetical directions should use e.g., not i.e.