Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Irish capital | Dublin | 96%
Capital of India | Delhi | 94%
US State | Delaware | 92%
Copenhagen's country | Denmark | 87%
White cliffs | Dover | 83%
French region of mustard | Dijon | 81%
Mile High city | Denver | 79%
Syrian capital | Damascus | 77%
One of the seven Emirates | Dubai | 75%
Salty lake near Israel | Dead Sea | 72%
Bombed city in Germany during WWII | Dresden | 68%
Alaska mountain | Denali | 66%
Senegal's capital | Dakar | 62%
Capital of Iowa | Des Moines | 58%
Mickey's California home | Disneyland | 58%
The Big D | Dallas | 53%
Australia's Northern Territory capital | Darwin | 49%
Major city in Scotland | Dundee | 49%
Region of Croatia | Dalmatia | 43%
Ivy league college in New Hampshire | Dartmouth | 36%
Shire of England on the banks of the River Derwent | Derby | 36%
Site between two towering rocks in Greece | Delphi | 17%
South Dakota cowboy/tv town | Deadwood | 15%
Big rock in Wyoming | Devils Tower | 9%
Town near Moorhead, MN | Dilworth | 6%
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