Title | Century | Saint | % Correct |
Holy Family | 1st | Mary | 96%
Apostle to the Apostles | 1st | Mary Magdalene | 96%
Evangelist | 1st | John | 94%
Church Doctor | 16th | John of Ávila | 94%
Pope | 6th | John I | 93%
Martyr | 17th | John Ogilvie | 93%
Pope | 20th | John XXIII | 93%
Religious Founder | 17th | Vincent de Paul | 89%
Apostle | 1st | Peter | 88%
Apostle | 1st | Paul | 87%
Pope | 8th | Paul I | 87%
Hermit | 4th | Paul the First Hermit | 87%
Pope | 20th | Paul VI | 87%
Christ | 1st | Jesus | 82%
Holy Family | 1st | Joseph | 77%
Religious Founder | 13th | Francis of Assisi | 73%
Evangelist | 1st | Matthew | 72%
Evangelist | 1st | Mark | 71%
Pope | 4th | Mark | 71%
Apostle | 1st | Thomas | 71%
Apostle | 1st | James | 69%
Apostle | 1st | James the Great | 69%
Evangelist | 1st | Luke | 68%
Religious | 19th | Marie-Eugénie de Jésus | 65%
Pope | 20th | John Paul II | 63%
Martyr | 17th | André de Soveral | 62%
Lay couple | 19th | Louis Martin | 61%
Church Doctor | 16th | Teresa of Avila | 59%
Religious Founder | 20th | Teresa of Calcutta | 59%
Pope | 7th | Benedict II | 58%
Monk | 6th | Benedict of Nursia | 58%
Mother | 1st | Elizabeth | 57%
Martyr | 3rd | George | 57%
Mystic | 1st | Anne | 55%
Martyr | 16th | Anne Line | 55%
Apostle | 1st | Simon | 54%
Martyr | 1st | Stephen | 54%
King | 11th | Stephen of Hungary | 54%
Bishop | 5th | Patrick | 51%
Church Doctor | 14th | Catherine of Siena | 50%
Bishop | 16th | Charles Borromeo | 50%
Bishop | 6th | David (Dewi) | 50%
Pope | 3rd | Stephen | 50%
Church Doctor | 13th | Anthony of Padua | 49%
Martyr | 14th | Anthony of Vilnius | 49%
Monk | 4th | Anthony the Great | 49%
Apostle | 1st | Bartholomew | 49%
Confessor | 11th | Edward the Confessor | 49%
Martyr | 9th | Edward the Martyr | 49%
Hermit | 12th | William the Great | 49%
Apostle | 1st | Andrew | 48%
King | 13th | Louis | 48%
Emperor | 11th | Henry the Exuberant | 47%
Apostle | 1st | Jude | 47%
Pope | 7th | Leo II | 46%
Pope | 9th | Leo III | 46%
Pope | 9th | Leo IV | 46%
Pope | 11th | Leo IX | 46%
Pope | 5th | Leo the Great | 46%
Lay couple | 19th | Zelie Guerin Martin | 46%
Pope | 7th | Martin I | 45%
Bishop | 4th | Martin of Tours | 45%
Pope | 8th | Gregory II | 44%
Pope | 8th | Gregory III | 44%
Pope | 6th | Gregory the Great | 44%
Pope | 11th | Gregory VII | 44%
Bishop | 4th | Nicholas | 44%
Pope | 9th | Nicholas the Great | 44%
Pope | 2nd | Pius I | 44%
Pope | 16th | Pius V | 44%
Pope | 20th | Pius X | 44%
Bishop | 6th | Augustine of Canterbury | 43%
Church Doctor | 5th | Augustine of Hippo | 43%
Apostle | 1st | Philip | 43%
Confessor | 5th | Philip of Agira | 43%
Pope | 1st | Alexander | 41%
Martyr | 3rd | Christopher | 39%
Bishop | 13th | Richard of Chichester | 37%
Pope | 1st | Clement | 36%
Church Doctor | 17th | Robert Bellarmine | 36%
Pope | 2nd | Victor | 36%
Martyr | 3rd | Vincent | 36%
Martyr | 17th | Antoine Daniel | 35%
Pope | 5th | Innocent | 35%
Martyr | 3rd | Lucy of Syracuse | 35%
Pope | 3rd | Urban I | 34%
Religious Founder | 13th | Dominic de Guzman | 33%
Confessor | 19th | Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows | 33%
Prophet | 1st | John the Baptist | 33%
Nun | 13th | Margaret of Hungary | 33%
Laywoman | 14th | Margaret the Barefooted | 33%
Martyr | 1st | Timothy | 33%
Martyr | 15th | Joan of Arc | 32%
Church Doctor | 19th | Thérèse of Lisieux | 31%
Religious Founder | 16th | Ignatius Loyola | 30%
Martyr | 2nd | Ignatius of Antioch | 29%
Stigmatist | 20th | Pio of Pietrelcina | 29%
Religious Founder | 13th | Clare of Assisi | 28%
Laywoman | 12th | Helena | 28%
Empress | 3rd | Helena of Constantinople | 28%
Virgin | 1st | Martha | 28%
Martyr | 3rd | Lawrence | 27%
Martyr | 19th | Michael Dinh-Hy Ho | 27%
Virgin | 17th | Rose of Lima | 27%
Martyr | 3rd | Sebastian | 27%
Missionary | 16th | Francis Xavier | 26%
Martyr | 2nd | Justin | 26%
Priest | 13th | Abraham of Smolensk | 25%
Martyr | 4th | Agnes of Rome | 25%
Church Doctor | 13th | Albert the Great | 25%
Church Doctor | 12th | Bernard of Clairvaux | 25%
Priest | 11th | Bernard of Menthon | 25%
Church Doctor | 13th | Thomas Aquinas | 25%
Mystic | 15th | Frances of Rome | 24%
Pope | 4th | Julius | 24%
Religious Founder | 19th | Theodora Guérin | 24%
Religious | 19th | Bernadette Soubirous | 23%
Martyr | 3rd | Cecilia | 23%
Martyr | 17th | Isaac Jogues | 23%
Martyr | 3rd | Valentine | 23%
Woman of Jerusalem | 1st | Veronica | 23%
Nun | 15th | Veronica of Milan | 23%
Pope | 8th | Zachary | 23%
Martyr | 3rd | Barbara | 22%
Priest | 19th | Damien of Molokai | 22%
Martyr | 17th | Jean de Brebeuf | 22%
Church Doctor | 5th | Jerome | 22%
Anchoress | 15th | Julian of Norwich | 22%
Mother | 4th | Monica | 22%
Church Doctor | 11th | Peter Damian | 22%
Abbot | 9th | Theodore the Studite | 22%
Martyr | 3rd | Agatha | 21%
Pope | 1st | Linus | 21%
Martyr | 20th | Maximilian Kolbe | 21%
Martyr | 17th | Oliver Plunkett | 21%
Pope | 2nd | Sixtus I | 21%
Pope | 3rd | Sixtus II | 21%
Pope | 5th | Sixtus III | 21%
Friar | 18th | Luca Antonio Falcone | 20%
Apostle | 1st | Matthias | 20%
Priest | 19th | Raphael Kalinowski | 20%
Bishop | 8th | Boniface | 19%
Pope | 5th | Boniface I | 19%
Laywoman | 11th | Emma of Lesum | 19%
Nun | 14th | Bridget of Sweden | 17%
Martyr | 17th | Edmund Arrowsmith | 17%
Martyr | 16th | Edmund Campion | 17%
Martyr | 9th | Edmund the Martyr | 17%
Abbot | 7th | Kevin of Glendalough | 17%
Martyr | 9th | Laura of Cordoba | 17%
Bishop | 1st | Lazarus | 17%
Princess | 10th | Olga of Kiev | 17%
Martyr | 1st | Titus | 17%
Martyr | 20th | Titus Brandsma | 17%
Pope | 9th | Adrian III | 16%
Church Doctor | 4th | Ambrose | 16%
Apostle | 1st | Barnabas | 16%
Martyr | 3rd | Damian | 16%
Pope | 3rd | Felix I | 16%
Pope | 5th | Felix III | 16%
Pope | 6th | Felix IV | 16%
King | 13th | Ferdinand III | 16%
Confessor | 1st | Joachim | 16%
Martyr | 20th | Oscar Romero | 16%
Martyr | 16th | Thomas More | 16%
Religious Founder | 16th | Angela Merici | 15%
Bishop | 4th | Basil the Great | 15%
Laywoman | 13th | Christina the Astonishing | 15%
Pope | 3rd | Cornelius | 15%
Bishop | 9th | Cyril | 15%
Patriarch | 5th | Cyril of Alexandria | 15%
Church Doctor | 4th | Cyril of Jerusalem | 15%
Martyr | 3rd | Denis | 15%
Pope | 7th | Eugene I | 15%
Religious | 20th | Josephine Bakhita | 15%
Religious | 19th | Magdalen of Canossa | 15%
Stigmatist | 15th | Rita of Cascia | 15%
Ascetic | 5th | Simeon Stylites | 15%
Pope | 4th | Sylvester | 15%
Priest | 13th | Sylvester Gozzolini | 15%
Religious Founder | 13th | Angela of Foligno | 14%
Martyr | 20th | Edith Stein | 14%
Visionary | 20th | Francisco Marto | 14%
Nun | 13th | Isabelle of France | 14%
Religious | 17th | Louise de Marillac | 14%
Pope | 3rd | Lucius | 14%
Layman | 12th | Ronald of Orkney | 14%
Pope | 1st | Anacletus | 13%
Hermit | 6th | Anastasia the Patrician | 13%
Martyr | 3rd | Felicity | 13%
Abbess | 12th | Hildegard | 13%
Abbess | 19th | Julie Billiart | 13%
Confessor | 13th | Raymond Nonnatus | 13%
Friar | 13th | Raymond of Penafort | 13%
Martyr | 17th | David Lewis | 12%
Good Thief | 1st | Dismas | 12%
Virgin | 13th | Gertrude | 12%
Nun | 6th | Íte of Killeedy | 12%
Confessor | 19th | John Bosco | 12%
Martyr | 3rd | Perpetua | 12%
Laywoman | 13th | Alice of Schaerbeek | 11%
Abbot | 6th | Columba | 11%
Abbot | 7th | Columbanus | 11%
Religious | 18th | Gerard Majella | 11%
Bishop | 7th | Isidore of Seville | 11%
Confessor | 12th | Isidore the Farmer | 11%
Monk | 6th | Maurus | 11%
Bishop | 11th | Olaf | 11%
Martyr | 17th | Pedro Calungsod | 11%
Religious Founder | 20th | Ursula Julia Ledochowska | 11%
Confessor | 16th | Aloysius Gonzaga | 10%
Bishop | 12th | Anselm of Canterbury | 10%
Church Doctor | 4th | Athanasius of Alexandria | 10%
Nun | 13th | Beatrice d'Este | 10%
Church Doctor | 8th | Bede | 10%
Church Doctor | 13th | Bonaventure | 10%
Nun | 6th | Brigid of Kildare | 10%
Martyr | 4th | Dorothy of Caesarea | 10%
King | 7th | Edwin | 10%
Religious | 13th | Elisabeth of Hungary | 10%
Mystic | 20th | Faustina | 10%
Nun | 5th | Genevieve | 10%
Hermit | 13th | Gerard of Lunel | 10%
Virgin | 17th | Kateri Tekakwitha | 10%
Centurion | 1st | Longinus | 10%
Pope | 3rd | Marcellus | 10%
Bishop | 5th | Maximus of Turin | 10%
Confessor | 7th | Maximus the Confessor | 10%
Martyr | 16th | Paulo Miki | 10%
Bishop | 12th | Roger of Cannae | 10%
Mother of Apostles | 1st | Salome | 10%
Abbess | 6th | Scholastica | 10%
Prince | 11th | Vladimir | 10%
Bishop | 18th | Alphonsus Liguori | 9%
Abbot | 6th | Brendan of Birr | 9%
Monk | 6th | Brendan the Navigator | 9%
Pope | 3rd | Callixtus | 9%
Pope | 5th | Celestine I | 9%
Pope | 13th | Celestine V | 9%
Martyr | 3rd | Cyprian | 9%
Religious Founder | 19th | Elizabeth Ann Seton | 9%
Pope | 3rd | Fabian | 9%
Bishop | 12th | Hugh of Lincoln | 9%
Church Doctor | 16th | John of the Cross | 9%
Martyr | 19th | Maria Goretti | 9%
Disciple | 1st | Nicodemus | 9%
Religious Founder | 20th | Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus | 9%
Martyr | 4th | Philomena | 9%
Martyr | 2nd | Polycarp | 9%
Martyr | 3rd | Sussanna | 9%
Bishop | 12th | Thomas Becket | 9%
Widow | 17th | Virginia Centurione Bracelli | 9%
Bishop | 8th | Abel of Reims | 8%
Martyr | 3rd | Alban | 8%
Martyr | 4th | Blaise | 8%
Religious Founder | 11th | Bruno of Cologne | 8%
Martyr | 11th | Bruno of Querfurt | 8%
Bishop | 12th | Bruno of Segni | 8%
Pope | 3rd | Caius | 8%
Martyr | 3rd | Cosmas | 8%
Bishop | 7th | Cuthbert | 8%
Martyr | 16th | Cuthbert Mayne | 8%
Pope | 3rd | Dionysius | 8%
Martyr | 7th | Dymphna | 8%
Virgin | 19th | Gemma Galgani | 8%
Pope | 5th | Hilarius | 8%
Church Doctor | 4th | Hilary | 8%
Abbess | 7th | Hilda | 8%
Visionary | 20th | Jacinta Marto | 8%
Cardinal | 19th | John Henry Newman | 8%
Confessor | 19th | John Vianney | 8%
Visionary | 16th | Juan Diego | 8%
Bishop | 12th | Laurence O'Toole | 8%
Martyr | 17th | Lorenzo Ruiz | 8%
Martyr | 17th | Nicholas Owen | 8%
Bishop | 12th | Norbert | 8%
Martyr | 11th | Stanislaus | 8%
Religious Founder | 17th | Stanislaus Papczyński | 8%
Martyr | 10th | Wenceslas | 8%
Bishop | 7th | Aidan | 7%
Religious Founder | 13th | Alexis Falconieri | 7%
Pope | 4th | Anastasius I | 7%
Abbot | 7th | Anastasius Sinaita | 7%
Abbot | 7th | Eustace | 7%
Church Doctor | 17th | Francis de Sales | 7%
Laywoman | 20th | Gianna Beretta Molla | 7%
Martyr | 2nd | Irenaeus | 7%
Priest | 18th | Junipero Serra | 7%
Confessor | 20th | Leopold Mandić | 7%
Bishop | 20th | Manuel González García | 7%
Priest | 20th | Manuel Míguez González | 7%
Religious Founder | 19th | Marcellin Champagnat | 7%
Mystic | 17th | Margaret Mary Alacoque | 7%
Bishop | 9th | Methodius | 7%
Martyr | 10th | Adalbert | 6%
Empress | 10th | Adelaide of Italy | 6%
Abbess | 11th | Adelaide of Vilich | 6%
Nun | 20th | Carolina Santocanale | 6%
Pope | 4th | Damasus | 6%
Pope | 4th | Eusebius | 6%
Martyr | 4th | Eusebius of Samosata | 6%
Pope | 1st | Evaristus | 6%
Bishop | 6th | Gal I | 6%
Pope | 5th | Gelasius I | 6%
Bishop | 19th | Giovanni Antonio Farina | 6%
Bishop | 19th | Giovanni Battista Scalabrini | 6%
Laywoman | 13th | Hedwig of Andechs | 6%
Church Doctor | 4th | John Chrysostom | 6%
Priest | 20th | Josemaría Escrivá | 6%
Religious Founder | 20th | Katharine Drexel | 6%
Martyr | 3rd | Martina | 6%
Martyr | 17th | Noël Chabanel | 6%
King | 7th | Oswald | 6%
Martyr | 3rd | Pancras of Rome | 6%
Martyr | 1st | Pancras of Taormina | 6%
Priest | 16th | Philip Neri | 6%
Martyr | 16th | Ralph Sherwin | 6%
Confessor | 14th | Roch (Rocco) | 6%
Bishop | 7th | Rupert | 6%
Pope | 7th | Sergius I | 6%
Abbot | 14th | Sergius of Radonezh | 6%
Martyr | 3rd | Vitus | 6%
Pope | 7th | Adeodatus I | 5%
Pope | 6th | Agapitus I | 5%
Pope | 7th | Agatho | 5%
Bishop | 7th | Amand | 5%
Religious Founder | 17th | Camillus de Lellis | 5%
Confessor | 15th | Casimir | 5%
Nun | 19th | Catherine Laboure | 5%
Bishop | 7th | Chad of Mercia | 5%
Monk | 5th | Declan | 5%
Layman | 19th | Dominic Savio | 5%
Religious Founder | 20th | Frances Cabrini | 5%
Religious Founder | 19th | Francesco Spinelli | 5%
Bishop | 13th | Gilbert of Dornoch | 5%
Bishop | 11th | Gilbert of Meaux | 5%
Religious Founder | 11th | Gilbert of Sempringham | 5%
Priest | 13th | Hyacinth | 5%
Pope | 2nd | Hyginus | 5%
Priest | 13th | Ivo of Kermartin | 5%
Religious | 17th | Jane Frances Chantal | 5%
Religious Founder | 17th | John Baptist de La Salle | 5%
Cardinal | 16th | John Fisher | 5%
Bishop | 19th | John Neumann | 5%
Religious Founder | 13th | Juliana Falconieri | 5%
Nun | 12th | Juliana of Cornillon | 5%
Martyr | 3rd | Juliana of Nicomedia | 5%
Martyr | 17th | Magdalene of Nagasaki | 5%
Pope | 3rd | Marcellinus | 5%
Religious Founder | 19th | Maria Cristina Brando | 5%
Lay brother | 17th | Martin de Porres | 5%
Nun | 19th | Mary of the Cross | 5%
Abbot | 10th | Odo | 5%
Religious | 16th | Paschal Baylon | 5%
Pope | 9th | Paschal I | 5%
Bishop | 5th | Paulinus of Nola | 5%
Bishop | 6th | Paulinus of York | 5%
Pope | 3rd | Pontian | 5%
Martyr | 17th | Roque González de Santa Cruz | 5%
Bishop | 6th | Samson of Dol | 5%
Monk | 5th | Severinus of Noricum | 5%
Pope | 6th | Silverius | 5%
Pope | 2nd | Soter | 5%
Pope | 2nd | Telesphorus | 5%
Pope | 5th | Zosimus | 5%
Priest | 20th | Alberto Hurtado | 4%
Religious Founder | 19th | Alfonso Maria Fusco | 4%
Pope | 2nd | Anicetus | 4%
Pope | 3rd | Anterus | 4%
Priest | 14th | Bernardo Tolomei | 4%
King | 11th | Canute | 4%
Martyr | 3rd | Catherine of Alexandria | 4%
Religious Founder | 16th | César de Bus | 4%
Priest | 19th | Charbel Makhluf | 4%
Martyr | 19th | Charles Lwanga | 4%
Abbot | 6th | Ciarán of Clonmacnoise | 4%
Bishop | 6th | Ciarán of Saighir | 4%
Religious | 19th | Conrad of Parzham | 4%
Hermit | 14th | Conrad of Piacenza | 4%
Bishop | 8th | Egbert | 4%
Church Doctor | 4th | Ephrem | 4%
Martyr | 3rd | Euphemia | 4%
Bishop | 17th | François de Laval | 4%
Pope | 6th | Hormisdas | 4%
Martyr | 3rd | Januarius | 4%
Monk | 8th | John of Damascus | 4%
Confessor | 17th | Joseph of Cupertino | 4%
Martyr | 19th | Laurent-Marie-Joseph Imbert | 4%
Priest | 19th | Luigi Maria Palazzolo | 4%
Queen | 11th | Margaret of Scotland | 4%
Martyr | 16th | Margaret Ward | 4%
Mystic | 19th | Mariam Baouardy | 4%
Religious Founder | 20th | Mariam Thresia | 4%
Pope | 4th | Miltiades | 4%
Confessor | 14th | Peregrine Laziosi | 4%
Confessor | 17th | Peter Claver | 4%
Martyr | 1st | Prisca | 4%
Martyr | 17th | René Goupil | 4%
Pope | 5th | Simplicius | 4%
Pope | 6th | Symmachus | 4%
Bishop | 10th | Ulrich of Augsburg | 4%
Priest | 19th | Vincenzo Romano | 4%
Pope | 7th | Vitalian | 4%
Bishop | 7th | Wilfrid | 4%
Bishop | 10th | Wolfgang | 4%
Pope | 3rd | Zephyrinus | 4%
Virgin | 13th | Zita | 4%
Abbot | 10th | Abbo of Fleury | 3%
Martyr | 2nd | Achilleus | 3%
Religious Founder | 19th | Anne-Marie Rivier | 3%
Bishop | 9th | Ansgar | 3%
Martyr | 3rd | Apollonia | 3%
Confessor | 16th | Benedict the Moor | 3%
Confessor | 15th | Bernardine of Siena | 3%
Confessor | 16th | Cajetan | 3%
Bishop | 7th | Cedd | 3%
Queen | 6th | Clotilde | 3%
Abbess | 15th | Colette | 3%
Priest | 16th | Desiderius Erasmus | 3%
Bishop | 10th | Dunstan | 3%
Pope | 2nd | Eleutherius | 3%
Queen | 14th | Elizabeth of Portugal | 3%
Mystic | 19th | Elizabeth of the Trinity | 3%
Prince | 11th | Emeric of Hungary | 3%
Religious Founder | 19th | Émilie de Villeneuve | 3%
Abbess | 7th | Etheldreda (Audrey) | 3%
Pope | 3rd | Eutychian | 3%
Superior General | 16th | Francis Borgia | 3%
Martyr | 3rd | Gabinus | 3%
Martyr | 4th | Gabinus | 3%
Monk | 7th | Gall | 3%
Religious Founder | 19th | Gaspar del Bufalo | 3%
Church Doctor | 4th | Gregory Nazianzen | 3%
Religious Founder | 20th | Irma Dulce | 3%
Queen | 14th | Jadwiga | 3%
Priest | 17th | John Eudes | 3%
Priest | 16th | John Leonardi | 3%
Monk | 7th | John Maron | 3%
Archeparch | 17th | Josaphat Kuntsevych | 3%
Martyr | 2nd | Jovita | 3%
Nun | 13th | Kinga of Poland | 3%
King | 11th | Ladislaus of Hungary | 3%
Bishop | 7th | Lambert | 3%
Bishop | 6th | Leander | 3%
Priest | 18th | Louis de Montfort | 3%
Bishop | 8th | Ludger | 3%
Martyr | 10th | Ludmila of Bohemia | 3%
Bishop | 12th | Malachy | 3%
Bishop | 7th | Malo / Maclo | 3%
Martyr | 16th | Margaret Clitherow | 3%
Nun | 17th | Mariana de Jésus | 3%
Nun | 5th | Melania the Younger | 3%
Martyr | 2nd | Nereus | 3%
Martyr | 14th | Nikola Tavelic | 3%
Cook | 13th | Notburga | 3%
Church Doctor | 16th | Peter Canisius | 3%
Religious Founder | 16th | Peter Faber | 3%
Virgin | 1st | Petronilla | 3%
Bishop | 8th | Remigius | 3%
Bishop | 6th | Remigius of Reims | 3%
Ascetic | 11th | Romuald | 3%
Hermit | 12th | Rosalia | 3%
Pope | 4th | Siricius | 3%
Priest | 15th | Vincent Ferrer | 3%
Bishop | 8th | Willibrord | 3%
Hermit | 5th | Abban | 2%
Layman | 6th | Abban of Magheranoidhe | 2%
Bishop | 5th | Abdas of Susa | 2%
Bishop | 8th | Acca | 2%
Bishop | 9th | Adalgar | 2%
Abbot | 11th | Adamo Abate | 2%
Abbot | 7th | Adomnán | 2%
Martyr | 6th | Afan | 2%
Abbess | 13th | Agnes of Assisi | 2%
Abbess | 13th | Agnes of Bohemia | 2%
Bishop | 8th | Alberic | 2%
Religious Founder | 12th | Alberic | 2%
Bishop | 8th | Alcuin | 2%
Nun | 13th | Alda | 2%
Bishop | 11th | Alphege | 2%
Bishop | 9th | Altfrid | 2%
Ascetic | 7th | Alypius | 2%
Lay brother | 20th | André Bessette | 2%
Martyr | 17th | Andrew Bobola | 2%
Bishop | 14th | Andrew Corsini | 2%
Religious Founder | 19th | Anna Maria Rubatto | 2%
Religious Founder | 19th | Anthony Mary Claret | 2%
Martyr | 1st | Aphrodisius | 2%
Bishop | 7th | Arnulf | 2%
Martyr | 3rd | Avoye | 2%
Abbot | 8th | Baldred | 2%
Martyr | 2nd | Basilides | 2%
Pope | 7th | Boniface IV | 2%
Abbot | 7th | Botolph | 2%
Abbot | 6th | Brioc | 2%
Bishop | 7th | Budoc of Dol | 2%
Bishop | 6th | Caesarius of Arles | 2%
Nun | 15th | Catherine of Bologna | 2%
Mystic | 15th | Catherine of Genoa | 2%
Mystic | 16th | Catherine of Ricci | 2%
Bishop | 5th | Cettin | 2%
Martyr | 20th | Charles de Foucauld | 2%
Abbess | 13th | Clare of Montefalco | 2%
Abbot | 6th | Comgall | 2%
Bishop | 6th | Congar | 2%
Abbot | 7th | Desiderius | 2%
Martyr | 7th | Desiderius of Vienne | 2%
Bishop | 7th | Deusdedit | 2%
Bishop | 7th | Didier (Desiderius) | 2%
Anchorite | 12th | Drogo | 2%
Abbess | 8th | Edburga | 2%
Abbess | 7th | Edburga of Bicester | 2%
Nun | 10th | Editha | 2%
Martyr | 4th | Emerentiana | 2%
Monk | 6th | Enda of Aran | 2%
Martyr | 13th | Engelbert | 2%
King | 5th | Erbin | 2%
Martyr | 4th | Eusebius of Rome | 2%
Bishop | 6th | Eustase | 2%
Bishop | 12th | Eysteinn Erlendsson | 2%
Bishop | 7th | Faro | 2%
Martyr | 2nd | Faustinus | 2%
Martyr | 3rd | Felician | 2%
Martyr | 17th | Fidelis of Sigmarengen | 2%
Bishop | 7th | Finbarr | 2%
Virgin | 7th | Florentina | 2%
Abbess | 12th | Franca Visalta | 2%
Hermit | 15th | Francis of Paola | 2%
Bishop | 7th | Genesius | 2%
Martyr | 2nd | Gervasius | 2%
Martyr | 16th | Gonsalo Garcia | 2%
Bishop | 17th | Gregorio Barbarigo | 2%
Bishop | 6th | Gregory of Tours | 2%
Bishop | 12th | Guillaume de Donjeon | 2%
Hermit | 11th | Gunther | 2%
Hermit | 6th | Helier | 2%
Martyr | 6th | Hermenegild | 2%
Exorcist | 6th | Hervé | 2%
Bishop | 8th | Hubertus | 2%
Religious | 17th | Hyacintha Mariscotti | 2%
Martyr | 17th | Jacobo Kyushei Tomonaga | 2%
Confessor | 15th | John Cantius | 2%
Confessor | 15th | John of Capistrano | 2%
Religious Founder | 12th | John of Matha | 2%
Martyr | 14th | John of Nepomuk | 2%
Martyr | 16th | John Rigby | 2%
Missionary | 17th | Joseph Vaz | 2%
Martyr | 3rd | Justa | 2%
Bishop | 6th | Kea | 2%
Martyr | 7th | King Dagobert II | 2%
Church Doctor | 17th | Lawrence Brindisi | 2%
Martyr | 7th | Leodegar | 2%
Bishop | 13th | Ludolph of Ratzeburg | 2%
Friar | 19th | Ludovico of Casoria | 2%
Bishop | 7th | Lupus of Sens | 2%
Monk | 4th | Macarius | 2%
Bishop | 6th | Machar | 2%
Nun | 13th | Margaret of Cortona | 2%
Nun | 6th | Mary of the Gael | 2%
Hermit | 9th | Neot | 2%
Patriarch | 9th | Nicephorus | 2%
Ascetic | 15th | Nicholas of Flüe | 2%
Abbot | 10th | Nilus the Younger | 2%
Confessor | 18th | Paul of the Cross | 2%
Martyr | 19th | Peter Chanel | 2%
Church Doctor | 5th | Peter Chrysologus | 2%
Priest | 19th | Peter Julian Eymard | 2%
Friar | 16th | Peter of Alcántara | 2%
Martyr | 3rd | Peter the Exorcist | 2%
Hermit | 6th | Petroc | 2%
Abbot | 6th | Piran | 2%
Martyr | 2nd | Potamiaena | 2%
Martyr | 3rd | Primus | 2%
Martyr | 2nd | Protasius | 2%
Martyr | 2nd | Pudentiana | 2%
Abbot | 6th | Pyr | 2%
Bishop | 6th | Quintian | 2%
Bishop | 9th | Rabanus Maurus | 2%
Nun | 20th | Rafka | 2%
Bishop | 9th | Rimbert | 2%
Martyr | 3rd | Rufina | 2%
Martyr | 3rd | Rufina | 2%
Hermit | 6th | Saturius of Soria | 2%
Martyr | 3rd | Secunda | 2%
Bishop | 9th | Swithun | 2%
Confessor | 9th | Theophanes | 2%
Bishop | 12th | Thorlak Thorhallsson | 2%
Martyr | 3rd | Tiburtius | 2%
Martyr | 5th | Tydfil | 2%
Bishop | 12th | Ubald | 2%
Bishop | 6th | Venantius Fortunatus | 2%
Abbot | 8th | Vergilius | 2%
Religious Founder | 19th | Vincenzo Grossi | 2%
Martyr | 12th | William of Perth | 2%
Bishop | 12th | William of York | 2%
Hermit | 11th | Wolfeius | 2%
Abbot | 11th | Wolfhelm | 2%
Bishop | 7th | Wulfram | 2%
Laywoman | 16th | Zofia Szydlowiecka | 2%
Martyr | 4th | Abamun of Tarnut | 1%
Bishop | 5th | Abundius | 1%
Bishop | 5th | Acacius of Amida | 1%
Martyr | 19th | Achilleus Kewanuka | 1%
Bishop | 12th | Adalgott | 1%
Bishop | 9th | Adelin (Adelhelm) | 1%
King | 7th | Æthelberht | 1%
Layman | 13th | Amato Ronconi | 1%
Bishop | 8th | Andrew of Crete | 1%
Friar | 19th | Anthony of St. Ann Galvão | 1%
Monk | 4th | Aphrahat | 1%
Religious Founder | 19th | Arnold Janssen | 1%
Friar | 20th | Artemide Zatti | 1%
Bishop | 6th | Avitus of Vienne | 1%
Bishop | 7th | Barbatus | 1%
Bishop | 16th | Bartholomew of Braga | 1%
Religious | 19th | Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello | 1%
Religious | 18th | Benedict Joseph Labre | 1%
Monk | 8th | Benedict of Aniane | 1%
Nun | 7th | Berlinda | 1%
Martyr | 19th | Bernard Due Van Vo | 1%
Bishop | 7th | Birinus | 1%
Abbot | 6th | Carantoc | 1%
Monk | 8th | Catald | 1%
Priest | 19th | Charles of Mount Argus | 1%
Hermit | 6th | Clodoald | 1%
Martyr | 20th | Cristopher Magallanes | 1%
Empress | 11th | Cunigunde | 1%
Unknown | 6th | Cynllo | 1%
Martyr | 4th | Dafrosa | 1%
Martyr | 18th | Devasahayam Pillai | 1%
Priest | 12th | Dominic de la Calzada | 1%
Hermit | 11th | Dominic Loricatus | 1%
Abbot | 6th | Dorotheus of Gaza | 1%
Abbess | 7th | Eanflæd | 1%
Nun | 7th | Eanswith | 1%
Bishop | 7th | Eligius | 1%
Religious Founder | 20th | Elizabeth Hesselblad | 1%
Martyr | 7th | Emmeram | 1%
Abbess | 7th | Erentrude | 1%
Bishop | 11th | Ermengol | 1%
Abbess | 7th | Ermenilda | 1%
Bishop | 19th | Eugene de Mazenod | 1%
Greek Patriarch | 6th | Eulogius of Alexandria | 1%
Martyr | 9th | Eulogius of Córdoba | 1%
Nun | 20th | Euphrasia Eluvathingal | 1%
Nun | 12th | Euphrosyne of Polatsk | 1%
Bishop | 4th | Eusebius of Vercelli | 1%
Martyr | 14th | Eustathius of Vilnius | 1%
Hermit | 15th | Eustochia Smeralda Calafato | 1%
Abbot | 5th | Euthymius the Great | 1%
Bishop | 6th | Fachanan | 1%
Abbot | 7th | Feichin | 1%
Bishop | 6th | Ferréol of Uzès | 1%
Abbot | 7th | Fiacre | 1%
Monk | 7th | Fillan | 1%
Abbess | 8th | Frideswide | 1%
Bishop | 7th | Fructuosus | 1%
Bishop | 7th | Fulgentius | 1%
Priest | 19th | Gaetano Errico | 1%
Bishop | 11th | Gaudentius | 1%
Priest | 20th | George Preca | 1%
Monk | 5th | Gerasimus of Jordan | 1%
Layman | 8th | Gerulfus | 1%
Confessor | 7th | Ghislain | 1%
Religious Founder | 11th | Giovanni Gualberto | 1%
Religious Founder | 19th | Giuditta Vannini | 1%
Religious Founder | 20th | Giustino Russolillo | 1%
Hermit | 7th | Goar | 1%
Bishop | 11th | Godehard (Gotthard) | 1%
Martyr | 11th | Godelieve | 1%
Bishop | 5th | Gratus of Aosta | 1%
Layman | 5th | Grellan | 1%
Martyr | 11th | Hallvard Vebjørnsson | 1%
Bishop | 9th | Heahmund | 1%
Abbot | 7th | Hidulf | 1%
Religious | 18th | Ignatius of Laconi | 1%
Martyr | 20th | Innocencio of Mary Immaculate | 1%
Bishop | 12th | Isfrid of Ratzeburg | 1%
Priest | 15th | James of the Marches | 1%
Religious Founder | 16th | Jerome Emiliani | 1%
Monk | 7th | John Climacus | 1%
Lay brother | 17th | John Macias | 1%
Friar | 16th | John of Sahagún | 1%
Martyr | 14th | John of Vilnius | 1%
Priest | 19th | Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero | 1%
Martyr | 20th | José Luis Sánchez del Río | 1%
Religious Founder | 17th | Joseph Calasanz | 1%
Missionary | 19th | Joseph Freinademetz | 1%
Martyr | 19th | Joseph Marchand | 1%
Missionary | 16th | Joseph of Anchieta | 1%
Religious Co-Founder | 18th | Joseph Pignatelli | 1%
Bishop | 20th | Józef Bilczewski | 1%
Bishop | 19th | Justin de Jacobis | 1%
Hermit | 13th | Jutta (Judith) | 1%
Bishop | 6th | Kessog | 1%
Religious Founder | 19th | Kuriakose Elias Chavara | 1%
Religious | 20th | Laura Montoya | 1%
Mystic | 15th | Lidwina | 1%
Martyr | 7th | Livinus | 1%
Priest | 19th | Lodovico Pavoni | 1%
Prioress | 13th | Lutgardis | 1%
Abbot | 6th | Marcouf | 1%
Nun | 14th | Margaret of Castello | 1%
Mystic | 19th | Marguerite Bays | 1%
Nun | 18th | Marguerite D'Youville | 1%
Religious Founder | 20th | Maria Bernarda Bütler | 1%
Virgin | 20th | María de la Purísima Salvat Romero | 1%
Religious Founder | 20th | Maria Domenica Mantovani | 1%
Religious Founder | 19th | Maria Domenica Mazzarello | 1%
Religious Founder | 20th | María Guadalupe García Zavala | 1%
Religious Founder | 19th | Maria Katharina Kasper | 1%
Religious Founder | 20th | Marie-Alphonsine Danil Ghattas | 1%
Virgin | 17th | Marie of the Incarnation | 1%
Abbot | 7th | Maurontius | 1%
Confessor | 17th | Michael de Sanctis | 1%
Religious | 19th | Miguel Febres Cordero | 1%
Abbess | 8th | Milburga | 1%
Nun | 5th | Moninne | 1%
Laywoman | 19th | Narcisa de Jesus Martillo Moran | 1%
Religious Founder | 20th | Nazaria Ignacia March y Mesa | 1%
Hermit | 6th | Nectan | 1%
Confessor | 13th | Nicholas of Tolentino | 1%
Martyr | 16th | Nicholas Pieck | 1%
Oblate | 17th | Nicola Saggio | 1%
Bishop | 8th | Nothelm | 1%
Friar | 15th | Nuno Álvares Pereira | 1%
Layman | 19th | Nunzio Sulprizio | 1%
Abbess | 8th | Odile | 1%
Abbess | 8th | Opportuna | 1%
Abbess | 7th | Osyth | 1%
Martyr | 19th | Paul Chong Hasang | 1%
Religious Founder | 13th | Peter Nolasco | 1%
Bishop | 8th | Peter of Capitolias | 1%
Martyr | 13th | Peter of Verona | 1%
Confessor | 13th | Philip Benizi | 1%
Martyr | 19th | Pierre Borie | 1%
Martyr | 7th | Praejectus | 1%
Bishop | 6th | Prætextatus (Prix) | 1%
Bishop | 6th | Quinidius | 1%
Priest | 12th | Rainerius | 1%
Abbess | 7th | Rictrude | 1%
Religious | 19th | Rose Rhilippine Duchesne | 1%
Religious | 18th | Rose Venerini | 1%
Monk | 6th | Sabbas the Sanctified | 1%
Abbess | 7th | Sadalberga | 1%
Martyr | 18th | Salomon Leclercq | 1%
Bishop | 5th | Salonius | 1%
Bishop | 6th | Salvius | 1%
Abbess | 7th | Seaxburh | 1%
Bishop | 8th | Tarasios | 1%
Religious | 20th | Teresa de los Andes | 1%
Martyr | 14th | Thomas of Tolentino | 1%
Bishop | 16th | Turibius of Mongrovejo | 1%
Monk | 8th | Urbicius | 1%
Hermit | 7th | Ursicinus | 1%
Bishop | 8th | Ursmar | 1%
Bishop | 6th | Veranus (Véran) | 1%
Bishop | 12th | Vicelinus | 1%
Martyr | 18th | Vicente Liem de la Paz | 1%
Monk | 14th | Vitalis of Assisi | 1%
Monk | 6th | Vitonus | 1%
Abbess | 7th | Werburgh | 1%
Martyr | 10th | Wiborada | 1%
Bishop | 8th | Willehad | 1%
Abbot | 12th | William of Æbelholt | 1%
Abbot | 6th | Yrieix / Aredius | 1%
Religious | 13th | Zdislava Berka | 1%
Priest | 20th | Zygmunt Gorazdowski | 1%
Religious | 20th | Alphonsa Muttathupandathu | 0%
Martyr | 19th | Andrew Dung-Lac | 0%
Bishop | 7th | Audoin / Dado | 0%
Bishop | 19th | Daniel Comboni | 0%
Confessor | 16th | Francis Caracciolo | 0%
Hermit | 7th | Gelert / Celer | 0%
Religious | 19th | Joaquina Vedruna de Mas | 0%
Religious | 18th | Lucy Filippini | 0%
Martyr | 19th | Lucy Yi Zhenmei | 0%
Religious | 19th | Maria Crocifissa di Rosa | 0%
Confessor | 19th | Nimattullah Kassab Al-Hardini | 0%
Abbot | 7th | Waningus | 0%
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