
Super Smash Bros. Fighters #43 - The Toon Link Quiz

How much do you know about this cartoonish incarnation of Link?
Previous quiz in the series: R.O.B.
Sometimes the quiz will refer to Toon Link as just Link. Deal with it.
Quiz by Insaniot
Last updated: October 7, 2021
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First submittedOctober 7, 2021
Times taken90
Average score55.6%
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What game does Toon Link first appear in?
The Legend of Zelda:
Four Swords
Who was the main villain in that game?
Before Cappy, THIS was a Nintendo fan’s favourite hat buddy.
What GameCube game is Toon Link best known for?
The Legend of Zelda:
The Wind Waker
What is the name of the island Link lived on in that game?
Outset Island
Who is Toon Link’s sister?
Mysterious pirate captain that helps Link rescue his kidnapped sister.
What is the ship that Link rode on for most his adventure in this game?
King of Red Lions
Toon Link stars in this critically-mixed 2007 DS game.
The Legend of Zelda:
Phantom Hourglass
Who are Link’s main companions in this game?
Where in this game are Phantoms most commonly found?
Temple of the Ocean King
What is the more well remembered sequel to the above game?
The Legend of Zelda:
Spirit Tracks
What is Link’s occupation in this game?
What is the main method of transportation in this game?
What tower serves a central dungeon in this game?
Tower of Spirits
What weapons does Toon Link use in Hyrule Warriors?
Light Sword
Sand Wand
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