Since this quiz hadn't been updated in 9 years, but still gets a lot of plays, I decided to take it over. It is now up to date and will be updated once every two years or so.
Yeah, that is correct. Gooch never went past 9000, Cook was the first English guy to reach that. Quizmaster missed Graeme Smith (RSA) who had 9265 runs and as a result Gooch's runs are listed incorrectly.
Loved that there is a cricket quiz today. I knew vast majority of answers but ashamed to say that knowing how to spell the names of the Asian contingent proved to be my downfall.
An embarrassing zero for me. Couldn't recall so many famous names, and quite a few I could recall no longer feature. Also, fancy not scoring for "Smith" and "Singh"!
Since multiple people have commented this I think it's probably wrong. Is there a better source?
Well, there went that theory.
joe root and nathan lyon need their positions moved up...