Category | State | % Correct |
in the country | Alaska | 98%
of the continental states | Texas | 95%
bordering Canada along the 49th parallel | Montana | 85%
bordering Texas | New Mexico | 85%
with coast on the Atlantic Ocean | Florida | 83%
with population above 30 million | California | 80%
beginning with "north" | North Dakota | 78%
beginning with the letter "i" | Idaho | 76%
with its capital also its largest city | Arizona | 59%
landlocked by other states | Nevada | 59%
along the Mississippi | Minnesota | 51%
east of the Mississippi | Michigan | 49%
with area in the Appalachain mountains | Georgia | 46%
ending with the letter "n" | Oregon | 41%
east of the 80th meridian west | New York | 32%
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