Quizzes by adrmcm

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user adrmcm.
# of Quizzes 79
# Featured 6
# Subscribers 19
Times taken 304,194
Quizmaker Rank # 174
83,1382021-01-12 The United States... or the United Kingdom?
82,8172019-02-26 Austria... or Australia?
39,0522021-05-14 Iceland... or Ireland?
37,3172021-01-28 Slovakia... or Slovenia?
24,1692019-02-12 Paraguay... or Uruguay?
6,1352023-11-10 Slovaquie... ou Slovénie?
4,8952022-02-21Poland... or Portugal?
2,2572019-02-21China... or Taiwan?
2,1302022-02-21Croatia... or Czechia?
2,1032021-08-17Latvia... or Lithuania?
1,3812019-09-28Spain... or Portugal?
1,0792019-01-17Countries closest to the Europe/Asia Border
1,0122019-06-13Spain Multiple Choice Quiz
9942022-02-21Bahrain... or Brunei?
9242019-03-12Switzerland... or Swaziland?
8772019-03-21Luxembourg... or Liechtenstein?
8202019-03-25Dog... or Cat?
7692019-04-02Wakanda... or Uganda?
7432019-02-24Iraq... or Iran?
6332022-02-21Gambia... or Zambia?
6172022-02-22Yemen... or Oman?
6092022-02-21Mauritania... or Mauritius?
5922022-02-21Dominica... or Dominican Republic?
5362019-02-17Niger... or Nigeria?
5062019-04-04Countries with the Highest Percentage of Redheads
4962021-01-20Montenegro... or Moldova
4512019-02-19Guyana... or French Guiana
4492019-04-05Countries with the Highest Percentage of Blue-Eyed People
4212019-02-19Tajikistan... or Turkmenistan
4012018-12-29Most Forgotten Countries per Continent
3982019-02-26Guinea, Equatorial Guinea.. or Guinea Bissau?
3932019-01-04Countries that Speak Arabic
3452019-05-31Polynesia, Melanesia... or Micronesia?
3192019-01-05Countries that Speak Spanish
2672019-04-04Countries with the Highest Percentage of Blond People
2492019-05-08Name the Singer Quiz
2432019-04-05Countries with the Highest Percentage of Green-Eyed People
2342019-02-20Countries with no McDonalds restaurants
2162019-01-06Countries that Speak English
1912019-04-19Texas Multiple Choice
1872019-06-11Most Tattooed Countries
1782018-12-29Most Forgotten European Capitals
1742019-01-19Countries closest to the Europe/Africa Border
1722019-01-17Countries closest to the Africa/Asia border
1712019-04-21New York Multiple Choice
1192019-04-15Countries with the most deaths during World War 1
1152019-01-20Countries closest to the Australia/Asia Border
1132019-03-29Top 3 Languages by Country
1102018-12-30Most Forgotten U.S. States
1082019-05-02Largest Country Subdivisions of the World
882019-06-08Botswana Multiple Choice
862018-12-29Most Forgotten Canadian Provinces
822019-04-18US States with the most Lighthouses
812019-04-08Top 5 Producers per Product
772019-02-20Fill in the Country
762019-02-18Rivers, Lakes and Islands
692019-05-12Largest River A-Z
692019-04-19Do you say ____ or ____?
652019-01-28Are they Countries or not?
642022-03-02Canada Country Quiz
612018-12-30Country Shape Quiz--Very Hard
552019-02-21Countries of the World without Vowels
552019-01-28Disputed Areas -- Africa
542019-02-22Countries ranked by Protected Area
532019-03-03Countries of the 17th Century
522018-02-25Countries with most Tourists per Year
522019-02-21US States without Vowels
512019-04-28Coastal Countries with the Shortest Coastlines
482019-05-01Capital Cities Closest to Each Other
472019-01-30Random Countries of the World
462019-05-10Original Skittles Flavors Quiz
422018-02-2615 most recent lead singers at the Super bowl
342019-06-16Bordering Capital Cities with Same First Letters
302018-12-31Country Shape Quiz--Very Hard #3
302019-02-27The #1 Quiz
302019-03-05The Last Place Quiz
292019-01-05Country Shape Quiz--Very Hard #2
242019-02-21Most Used Emojis
192019-06-12Country Size vs State Size