Nice quiz but two points: DC isn't a state and should therfore not be included. Its guessed by less then 30 percent of people and just not a correct answer. Also i think the time is a bit rough even if you just type all the time
You are correct that DC is not a state, but this quiz is about borders. To draw the full border of Maryland, you have to include where it borders DC. To not include this would tacitly cede DC territory to Maryland (or Virginia, I suppose if I drew the border the other way), or else leave them unbounded and blending.
Also, I ardently reject the notion that something is incorrect simply because it's only known or guessed by a minority of people. That's not how facts work.
While plattitude's points about DC are well taken, if DC borders are to be included, it should clearly be stated in the description. Deuteronomius' point about the low percentage is likely due to ppl not knowing that DC is even to be included. Also, Deuteronomius is quite correct about the time. Is this supposed to be a quiz to determine someone's knowledge or their ability to type?
Have to agree to disagree here. First, I don't think people need to be spoon-fed the answers in order for the quiz to be enjoyable, and I also think those who read the instructions prior to taking the quiz are in a small minority. If you get all the answers except the DC borders, it can be a fun exercise to click-zoom around and find the gap. Second, why can't it be both? I just leisurely took the quiz, making plenty of typing mistakes, and still had over 3 minutes remaining when I finished.
Great quiz, plays nicely! Maybe add a note in the description that diagonal borders are included? (Also I appreciate that DC is included! It's a pet peeve of mine when quizzes lump it into Maryland)
Why should the GA/SC border get called out in the instructions any more than other borders? :)
First off, I understand what you're talking about, but I don't think saying it would help. Second, they're borders where 2 states touch, so of course they need to be listed. Calling them out specifically is redundant.
How do you make a quiz like this? When I tried to make a similar quiz of drawing borders between various regions, the path got all messed up, and they wouldn't even disappear when I selected "hide missing paths".
Well, I figured it out. Turns out it was a problem with the XML editor in Inkscape. I made a version of this quiz for Australia, Germany, and Italy. Let me know what you think!
Also, I ardently reject the notion that something is incorrect simply because it's only known or guessed by a minority of people. That's not how facts work.
First off, I understand what you're talking about, but I don't think saying it would help. Second, they're borders where 2 states touch, so of course they need to be listed. Calling them out specifically is redundant.
you have to switch them to get it to accept the combo
But only because I just fixed it. :)
I am from Connecticut just doing New England takes half the time and I finish lots of long hard quizzes and I type really fast
but thanks for the challenge