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January 1942: Sir Archibald Wavell was named head of the American-British-_______-Australian Command (ABDACOM). Tip: _______ East Indies.
February 1942: The Battle of _______ ended in a decisive Japanese victory. It was the largest surrender of British forces in history.
March 1942: General _______ _______ gives the “I Shall Return” speech after he retreated from the Philippine island of Corregidor.
Douglas MacArthur
April 1942: The _______ Raid was conducted by U.S. warplanes on the Japanese capital of Tokyo. Although little damage was done it provided an important boost to American morale. This was the first time the U.S. bombed the Japanese mainland during the war.
May 1942: The United States Navy signed up its first _______-American recruits.
June 1942: The Battle of _______ began. The Japanese sought to deliver another crushing blow to the U.S. Navy to ensure Japanese dominance in the Pacific, but American codebreakers had determined the time and place of the Japanese attack in advance, enabling the U.S. Navy to prepare its own ambush.
July 1942: Joseph Stalin issued Order No. 227 with its famous line "_______ _______ _______ _______!"
Not one step back
August 1942: The Battle of _______ began. This would become the bloodiest battle in human history.
September 1942: Vidkun _______, the Norse PM during the war, reintroduced the death penalty to the Norwegian criminal code.
October 1942: The German _______ rocket becomes the first man-made object to be launched into space.
November 1942: The Second Battle of _______ _______ ended in a decisive Allied victory. The British victory was the beginning of the end of the Western Desert Campaign, eliminating the Axis threat to Egypt, the Suez Canal and the Middle Eastern and Persian oil fields.
El Alamein
December 1942: Operation Winter Storm ended with the German 6th Army under the command of General Friedrich _______ still trapped in the Stalingrad pocket.