Name every enemy that has ever appeared in a main series Mario game from Super Mario Bros. to Super Mario 3d World. Why did I stop at 3d World? I ran out of room. This will not include bosses, as I already made that quiz, and this list will already be large enough. Now for the extremely difficult and arbitrary task of defining an enemy. For the sake of this quiz, an enemy is anything that Mario Wiki defines as an enemy. Well, sort of. I got to Mario Galaxy and they started considering lava and stuff to be enemies, which makes no sense. Additionally, sticking with the lava example, lava debuted in the original Super Mario Bros., and it wasn't listed under enemies then. So, I did just kind of go by what made sense after NSMB, taking into account the things that were and weren't on previous games' enemy lists. What I'm implying here is that if you don't agree with an enemy being or not being in this quiz, it is or isn't because Mario Wiki says so for NSMB and before. I don't actually agree with all of the enemies they include, but it's much simpler if I just include them all anyway (again, exceptions were made). Also, no mini bosses, or enemies from the Mario Bros. arcade game that was added into Super Mario 3D World as a bonus, as I don't think that counts. Keep in mind that some enemies have the same name as others, despite being different enemies.
Here is the link to Mario Wiki:
Fuzzy Horde. It should be on this quiz but its the 501st enemy and I only have 500 slots to work with. Sorry Fuzzy Horde fans.
Future Snowman13 here, going through my catalogue and getting rid of the garbage. This quiz is awful but I put an insane amount of time into it and I refuse to delete it.
I have nothing to say on this. The description speaks for itself. So I'll use this space to explain that I'm going through my old quizzes and leaving a pinned comment on each and every one. This is so that I can talk about my logic behind quizzes, make jokes, and, most often, share my opinions. I'll be doing this for every quiz I release in the future as well.
Tip for quizzes with 500+ answers: click the export button to export both of the quizzes into your preferred spreadsheet program in a way that the answers seamlessly link up together, then import the mega quiz back into Jetpunk and you'll be able to have over 500 answers in one quiz! I'd also add one or two more boxes and reduce the size of them all to cut on navigation time.
I've working a large quiz myself that, if I were to make it this way, I'd need THREE WHOLE QUIZZES just to fit all the answers in, which isn't ideal. Thank god for import/export. Hope this helps! :)
I've working a large quiz myself that, if I were to make it this way, I'd need THREE WHOLE QUIZZES just to fit all the answers in, which isn't ideal. Thank god for import/export. Hope this helps! :)