
MCU Characters by Screen Time

Can you name the characters who have been on screen for at least 35 minutes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Based on this list
Through Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Quiz by realhenryb
Last updated: December 31, 2022
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First submittedMay 9, 2018
Times taken87,155
Average score64.3%
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Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow
Doctor Strange
Nick Fury
Captain Marvel
Pepper Potts
Black Panther
Scarlet Witch
Rocket Raccoon
Hawkeye / Ronin
Winter Soldier
Ned Leeds
Jane Foster
Yelena Belova
The Wasp
100 Recent Comments
Level 72
Jul 4, 2018
Surprised some of the names towards the end beat Happy Hogan - hasn't he already been in four movies?
Level 96
Jul 4, 2018
He's been in four but he was only in each one for a couple minutes and was only on screen for a total of just under 18 minutes. There's a ton of characters that seem important and like they were on screen a lot when I think about the movies but then when I look at the times they really weren't around for that long. Nebula and Ultron are also examples of characters that just missed the cutoff of 20 minutes that I would have definitely expected to be on there before I made the quiz.
Level 65
Aug 2, 2018
You might want to update this quiz after Ant-Man and the Wasp.
Level 96
Aug 5, 2018
Submitted an update. Hopefully it goes up soon.
Level 40
Dec 11, 2018
It should accept drstange
Level 71
Aug 9, 2019
It does, but only when you spell it right.
Level 47
Mar 4, 2019
Ghost Rider should be part of the MCU.

Poor Nick Cage.

Level 54
Mar 20, 2019
Is anyone else surprised Maria Hill isn’t on here? I know she’s a minor character but I thought she would have at least 20 minutes collectively.
Level 66
Mar 27, 2019
As of Captain Marvel, there are three new entries: Phil Coulson (who has reached 21 minutes), Hope van Dyne (50:45) and Carol Denvers (66:30).
Level 66
Mar 27, 2019
If you stay on the first 19 movies, then there's a mistake: Hope van Dyne is 15 minutes and not 51 (according to your source)!
Level 59
May 7, 2019
It's as of Ant-Man and the Wasp (the 20th movie) so Hope's screen time is correct
Level 66
Jul 31, 2019
If it's up to the 20th movie, then the title instructions are incorrect.
Level 15
Feb 6, 2025
phil coulson was in agents of shield hes way over
Level 37
Apr 6, 2019
I still try to know how Maria Hill couldn't made the top, marvel is wasting so much by not using Smudlers' character, she is so strong
Level 48
Apr 8, 2019
This should be updated with Captain Marvel on it
Level 96
Apr 28, 2019
An edit has been submitted now that Endgame numbers are in.
Level 81
May 4, 2019
I keep coming back here hoping to take this while it's still fresh but the update still hasn't gone through.
Level 85
Aug 3, 2019
I wrote "Happy". Too bad I didn't know his last name is "Hogan". I wrote "Ned". Too bad I didn't know his last name is "Leeds".
Level 96
Aug 3, 2019
Sorry about that. Could've sworn I added those first names as type ins. Submitted a revision
Level 85
Aug 3, 2019
Thanks! Maybe "Betty" for Betty Ross?
Level 81
Aug 3, 2019
Cool it finally updated.

Couple suggestions: should accept "Happy" for Happy Hogan. and "Ned" for Ned Leeds. Also maybe could use some more time. Even this MCU fanatic could have used an extra 30-60 seconds.

Level 96
Aug 3, 2019
Apologies for that. Thought I'd added those type ins before. Submitted a revision
Level 78
Aug 5, 2019
Should Talos be added? With his appearance in Captain Marvel plus Far from Home he would be just over 20 minutes. Of course, it depends on whether you count the appearance of a shapeshifter as the actual character or the character they're imitating. Either way works, but I figured I should at least mention it. :)
Level 96
Aug 15, 2019
I counted it as a Nick Fury appearance in Far From Home. Figured it made more sense to go with the character everyone thinks they are seeing until the last credits scene.
Level 59
Aug 5, 2019
I forgot Thanos. Whoops.
Level 70
Aug 6, 2019
Was Venom not considered an MCU film?
Level 81
Aug 6, 2019
It was not.
Level 81
Apr 15, 2020
but... retroactively it may be? Sony and Disney seem to be getting more and more comfortable working with each other now, after a brief disagreement that almost ended the partnership, but now it appears as though Holland's Spider-Man will be showing up in future Venom movies, and Keaton's Vulture has a role in the upcoming Morbius movie, so the two universes may become increasingly interconnected moving forward.
Level 81
Jun 13, 2022
... or... Sony will just rely on false advertising to get you to think that this is the case, hoping to get their hands on some of that MCU money.
Level 81
Oct 4, 2021
as predicted... things are getting weirder. The post-credit scene in Venom 2 has officially crossed the character over into the MCU, in some form. I think by this December it's going to be tough figuring out what technically is or is not canonically in the "MCU"- but probably it will end up sort of like the Marvel comics multiverse where there are some stories that take place on "Earth-616" - the main Marvel comics timeline and universe - and many other stories that take place on different Earths, in different timelines or realities of the multiverse.

So anyway, the end of Venom 2 also in a way confirmed that the first Venom movie did NOT take place in the same world as the main MCU timeline, but going forward that might not be the case.

Level 30
Nov 10, 2019
When u get the least guessed one but forget spider man and black panther


Level 43
Jan 9, 2020
Shocked Mantis didn't make the list.
Level 65
Jan 15, 2020
Ummmm, Where's Stan Lee?
Level 96
Jan 15, 2020
His screen time is nowhere near the requisite 20 minutes because each appearance was limited to only a few seconds. Even if his cameos in non-MCU Marvel movies, and even some other random ones like Mallrats and Princess Diaries 2 were counted, he would still come up short.
Level 81
Jul 10, 2020
haha... Princess Diaries 2... funny... though I do wonder if Mallrats is part of the MCU since he was reading the script in Captain Marvel.
Level 81
Feb 20, 2020
Kinda crazy that you could do a cut of all these movies that *never* had no Iron Man on screen and it would be a solid 6 hours long.
Level 74
Mar 22, 2021
noticed that when I tried "the wasp" it was not accepted but "wasp" was. There's really no point in typing "the" but it might be nice if it accepted it with or without.
Level ∞
May 18, 2021
The Wasp will work now.
Level 67
May 8, 2021
How on Earth...I saw this on the new and reset quizzes page and thought someone copied. It has the exact same title as one I had made a while ago, and I didn't realize otherwise until I looked at the date of first submission. I must've not checked quiz ideas at the time. Nevertheless, I was just reporting the weird coincidence, and you have did it much better than I did nearly three years later. A nice quiz to pass time with.
Level 96
May 9, 2021
Level 69
May 9, 2021
I thought for sure that Ego and Hela would have had 20 minutes each, but I guess not.
Level 59
May 18, 2021
And Ultron
Level 59
May 10, 2021
When you get Darcy Lewis but forget Loki (╥﹏╥)
Level 74
May 10, 2021
can you accept photon for monica rambeau
Level 59
Dec 6, 2024
Seeing as neither of them are an answer, there may be an issue there
Level 81
May 18, 2021
was not prepared to remember Darcy's last name...
Level 94
May 18, 2021
Accept The Wasp for Hope? I tried it and it didn't work
Level 66
May 18, 2021
Forgot about Howard the Duck, the first MCU movie.
Level 67
May 18, 2021
Was Iron Man always the main Marvel character, or does his outsized role in the movies owe mainly to the fact that the first movie was such a hit and Robert Downey, Jr. is so popular playing him? I remember him when I was young, but I don't recall him being the leader or the signature hero. I always thought that was Captain America.
Level 81
May 18, 2021
The latter. The Avengers don't really have a leader. Cap would be the closest thing to fitting that role. But Iron Man was always more of the face of the organization and franchise. This was due undoubtedly to the facts that the character and RDJ's portrayal of him both became extremely popular, that Iron Man was the first film in the MCU (and Iron Man 2 was the 3rd), and that since Tony was the first and most popular Avenger to show up on screen in the MCU he naturally ended up featuring in a bunch of different movies and wound up with the most total screen time.

Though it is surprising to me even considering all of the above just how much more he got than everyone else. A full 112 minutes more than the 1st-runner-up. Even including the 2 multi-part miniseries that several other characters had on Disney +, which didn't feature Tony at all.

Give it another 10 years and maybe Spider-Man or Thor will catch up.

Level 52
May 21, 2021
Surprised not to see Howard Stark. He had appearances briefly in Iron Man 2, the first Captain America, Endgame, aaaand maybe others? I would have thought it might have added up.
Level 81
May 23, 2021
He also showed up briefly in the original Iron Man (as a photograph), Ant-Man, and Civil War. Keyword, though, is "briefly."
Level 57
Jul 25, 2021
I'm honestly really happy at how high Darcy is. <3 Also, I suppose this quiz should be updated for Loki and Black Widow?
Level 55
Aug 18, 2021
At current time of writing, there have been 24 movies, not 23.
Level 88
Oct 3, 2021
Maybe add updates for Shang-Chi now. But I would say don't do updates for What if unless you want to include Uatu. Shang-Chi, Katy, Wenwu and Xialing will probably all be added but maybe more. Maybe Trevor Slattery or Jiang nan. And of course you would have to up Wong, Hulk and Captain Marvel's times as well. Abomination might be added too. idk tho. Good quiz btw!
Level 81
Dec 17, 2021
Abomination was on-screen in Shang Chi for all of maybe 10 or 15 seconds.
Level 38
Nov 24, 2021
Is Abomination really below 20 minutes? I haven't seen The Incredible Hulk in a while, but I know he is in Shang-Chi for a little bit. That was mostly a cameo, but still. Also is Wong not on the list? He was in Doctor Strange, and the end credit scene of Shang-Chi. Really good quiz!
Level 78
Jan 9, 2022
If anyone's curious, I believe that adding the "What if...?" character times would add four characters: Ultron (32), Okoye (22:30), Red Skull/Stonekeeper (20:30), and Sharon Carter (20). Not saying whether they should be added or not, just thought it would be interesting to look at the times. :)
Level 59
May 9, 2022
Begging for an update, and for just Agatha to be accepted
Level 48
May 25, 2022
Hey! great quiz, I think it's time for an update but it's fantastic! I know you won't but I personally am a firm believer that Coulson has the most screentime in the MCU with 579 minutes. (this is due to Agents of Shield)
Level 55
May 26, 2022
Agents of SHIELD is not a part of the MCU, when will people accept that?
Level 63
Jun 28, 2022
30th February
Level 20
Nov 6, 2022
But Agents of Shield IS part of the MCU! Fury, Coulsdon, they reference the films events.
Level 55
May 26, 2022
Needs to be updated!!
Level 55
May 26, 2022
Also, if you're going to accept some first names, please accept all first names... Peggy, Jane, Darcy, Jimmy, Agatha don't work, but Alexei, Karli, Ned, 'B' (for B-15), and Pepper all do... it should be consistent, please
Level 67
Sep 7, 2022
Update time as this is over a year outdated now
Level 89
Dec 31, 2022
Maybe I mistyped but Bucky didn't accept for winter soldier.
Level ∞
Jan 1, 2023
Bucky will work now
Level 48
Jan 5, 2023
It didn't work when I tried it
Level 88
Jan 1, 2023
I surprised War Machine isn't here
Level 32
Oct 9, 2024
Exactly, he appeared in so many Marvel movies yet he's not there??
Level 83
Jan 1, 2023
Please accept Yelena?
Level ∞
Jan 1, 2023
Level 74
Jan 2, 2023
Can you do more type-ins for Sersi? At least accept Circe, the myth she was named after...
Level ∞
Jan 2, 2023
Level 72
Jan 5, 2023
Question - Does Spider-man get triple time credit for the last act of No Way Home?
Level 20
Jan 5, 2023
can you accept red witch instead of jane foster?

Thats her name in french

Level 66
Jan 5, 2023
But Scarlet Witch and Jane Foster are different...
Level 71
Jan 5, 2023
Is this intended to only include MCU movies and not TV series? The list in the link includes TV series, and if those are included, Vision has over 100 minutes, as do a number of other characters.
Level 71
Jan 5, 2023
I don't think it counts TV shows. For example, Hawkeye apparently has 95 minutes of screen time from his TV show alone based on the source but only 51 here. I was also surprised that Miss Marvel wasn't here. It's only to only focus on the movies since the TV shows are more complicated and less popular, but I also feel like a caveat explaining that this quiz is only movie-based would be appreciated.
Level 79
Jan 6, 2023
The imdb linked does include the Disney+ shows so I'm not sure why they were excluded unless the quiz maker decided on it, I'm guessing because they would easily top the screen time count otherwise
Level 66
Jan 5, 2023
Good job putting Drax on the list. Most viewers would miss him because he was standing so incredibly still most of the time.
Level 77
Jan 5, 2023
I went to type in "Chinese guy" and it gave me "Shang-Chi". W
Level 19
Jan 5, 2023
Great quiz!
Level 52
Jan 5, 2023
Can someone explain how Black Widow isn't on the list but her sister is? Does her film not count as MCU?
Level 83
Jan 5, 2023
Umm… She is on the list. 176 minutes.
Level 79
Jan 5, 2023
I don't want to say that these numbers are not accurate.

But they seem highly suspect.

I don't see how Sersi, Shang-Chi, and Yelena made the list.

Just off the top of my head War Machine/Rhodes, Happy, MJ, Groot, Nebula, and Vision had much more screen time.

Also, I don't see how Spider-Man is above Captain America and Thor.

Sorry - I gotta give this quiz one star.

Level 96
Jan 6, 2023
Sorry it's hard to base a quiz off of your memory rather than a real list reporting actual screen times. We'll all try harder next time!
Level 81
Jan 7, 2023
Was Vision not able to edge out Sersi or Yelena with his leading role in WandaVision? Or did you decide to take out the Disney + shows when you last updated this?

edit: just checked your source and he was on screen for 80 minutes just in that series, so... either you missed that or decided to not count the shows. I noticed you also cut down the number of answers by about half, and a ton of comments have gone missing, so clearly there was an overhaul. I know the shows were factored in here before.

Level 96
Jan 10, 2023
I had the shows on in my most recent update a few months back but this one I assume was done by quizmaster since I hadn't submitted a new one in a while and never personally changed the time from 20 to 35 minutes. Makes sense though because it had gotten very unwieldy and the list would be entirely overtaken by characters from the shows at this point if they were included.
Level 79
Apr 3, 2023
Or your list is flat out wrong. My memory is the strongest Avenger.
Level 72
Jan 10, 2023
You can check the source, but it does seem that it may not be counting television shows. In that case, it should probably say "movies only."
Level 72
Jan 10, 2023
That list you are using is from 2017, but the bulk of MCU television has come out since then. There is no way Vision (for example) did not make the cut after being the star of his own TV show in 2021.
Level 72
Jan 10, 2023
OK, so I went back and re-looked at that list, and it was updated 5 months ago. However, it seems that this quiz was not, seeing as Hawkeye now has 95 minutes from his show that have not been added to his count.
Level 67
Jan 11, 2023
You might want to change the front-page description of this quiz if its through to multiverse of madness, which is the 28th film. The front page description says the first 23.
Level 70
Apr 29, 2023
Even assuming that this list both excludes the tv shows and was last updated after Multiverse of Madness, Michelle Jones should have 48 minutes of screentime. (The disclaimer also should be changed to reflect that this only includes movie if that's how it is counting now.)
Level 45
Jul 22, 2024
Surprised Thanos and Groot didn’t make it
Level 56
Jan 21, 2025
Thanos is there
Level 55
Dec 18, 2024
Can this be updated? It's been 2 and a half years since Multiverse of Madness, and there's been a hell of a lot of screentime for some of these characters, and especially some that didn't make the list back in 2022
Level 62
Jan 19, 2025
This quiz should both be updated, and either specify movies only or include tv shows.