
Ecclesiastes - "To Every Thing There Is a Season"

Fill in the words to this well-known passage from the Bible.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, King James Version
Quiz by TShoe
Last updated: March 18, 2018
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First submittedFebruary 3, 2018
Times taken4,837
Average score37.0%
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To every thing there is a season
and a time to every purpose under the heaven
A time to be born
and a time to die
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up
that which is planted
A time to kill
and a time to heal
a time to break down
and a time to build up
A time to weep
and a time to laugh
a time to mourn
and a time to dance
A time to cast away stones, and a
time to gather stones together
a time to embrace, and a time to
refrain from embracing
A time to get
and a time to lose
a time to keep
and a time to cast away
A time to rend
and a time to sew
a time to keep silence
and a time to speak
A time to love
and a time to hate
a time of war
and a time of peace
Level 94
Mar 17, 2018
Got many of these by remembering the song Turn! Turn! Turn written by Pete Seeger, although the cover by The Byrds that I am most familiar with has a few changes from the Bible verses.
Level 87
Aug 4, 2018
I had no idea what this was before I clicked on it, but then I realized, "Oh hey! It's that song!" Still didn't do very well, though.
Level 86
Mar 18, 2018
You're missing "and a time to dance". Otherwise, terrific quiz!
Level 82
Mar 18, 2018
Fixed. Thank you for pointing it out.
Level 72
Aug 4, 2018
A time to kill. Yup that seems like good morals! No wonder we have so many wars, when all religions are in favor of killing each other...
Level 40
Aug 4, 2018
Ecclesiastes was written 2,500 years ago. At that time, saying that there's a time for war and a time for peace (instead of just only war) was surely a progressive and mind-breaking statement.

Most religions are explicitly in favour of peace and condemn murder. The fact that their people do not obey their teachings is not the fault of the religions.

Level 72
Apr 19, 2020
War and peace is somewhat understandable, but saying there is a time to kill, gives a very different feeling. To me atleast

Not like a last resort that might occur, but like it is a normal chore, and that the option of not killing doesnt even seem to exist, ow it is thursday and I haven't killed anyone yet this week, well, let's get on with it then, can't fall behind, you know what, I ll kill a few extra, just to be on the safe side. Better to have it out of the way right, leaves time for other things.

"Honey have you done your homework yet? and also it has been a while since you killed someone, don't make me ask again. Just look at your brother, he loves it and has is way ahead already"

Just my personal feeling as I read these, not having a go at anyone or anything. But the sentence just struck me, and honestly it would be kind of weird if you could read that without having that reaction. (knowing the context doesnt matter in your initial response)

Level 71
Nov 30, 2022
It's not clear what it means when it says "to kill" though. It may very well just mean killing animals for meat. Even if it does refer to killing humans, it's likely a tie-in to the idea of justified war that KateLanderer suggests in her comment. Whatever it's meaning is, it's definitely not advocating for cold-blooded murder or serial killing.
Level 43
Aug 4, 2018
Killing has always been a part of humanity since Day 1, whether it has been of religious reasons or not. Maybe this part of Ecclesiastes was just describing some realities of life rather than ideals.
Level 78
Aug 4, 2018
As David Brent said, a good idea is a good idea forever.
Level 92
Oct 11, 2020
It doesn't say kill humans (at least in the standard English translations). For most people there is a time to kill animals. For me that time is when there is a mouse or spider in my house. I outsource my meat killing.
Level 87
Jan 31, 2023
You should really read Ecclesiastes. You can find it free online in lots of places.

It's actually in-line with most of modern "atheism" and it might give you some wisdom.

Level 43
Aug 4, 2018
Turn, turn, turn....
Level 90
Aug 4, 2018
I was hoping for a biblical picture of David Crosby.
Level 65
Aug 4, 2018
With 50% of people getting 4 correct answers I don't think it's as well know as you think it is.
Level 87
Aug 4, 2018
Anybody who doesn't get at least one correct answer on this quiz really needs to sit down and think about their approach to quiz-taking.
Level 72
Apr 19, 2020
And maybe put some effort in reading titles;) and perhaps even take it to the next level, reading descriptions! Might not have been usefull in this case, but reading the description/caveats saves you a lot complaining! All that time to be gained, time you can use to take quizzes instead!

It ll change your world, just give it a go ;)

and if you really want to make it a big night, look up cyprus ;)

Level 55
Sep 21, 2019
Really enjoyed this!
Level 71
Feb 15, 2020
Shoutout to The Byrds.
Level 79
May 24, 2023
Yeah, to be fair I'm in that boat
Level 44
Sep 7, 2024
all done on my 5th try, im not a religious person but this is a very profound text.