British Census of 1901 - For a large chunk of the British colonies.
Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth - For most cities on the list.
Populstat (archived, original site no longer available) - For most cities under 30,000 inhabitants.
Casablanca: A Demographic Miracle on Moroccan Soil? - For Casablanca. Estimates 20,000 inhabitants for 1900.
The Statesman's Year-Book for 1901 - For Berbera. Estimates 30,000 at the height of the trade season.
British Census of 1901 - For a large chunk of the British colonies.
Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth - For most cities on the list.
Populstat (archived, original site no longer available) - For most cities under 30,000 inhabitants.
Casablanca: A Demographic Miracle on Moroccan Soil? - For Casablanca. Estimates 20,000 inhabitants for 1900.
The Statesman's Year-Book for 1901 - For Berbera. Estimates 30,000 at the height of the trade season.