Biggest Cities of Córdoba (Al-Andalus) in 1000 AD with a Map
With the help of a map, can you name the most populous cities of the Caliphate of Córdoba/Qurtubah with an estimated population of over 3,000 at its peak around 1000 AD?
It should probably be noted that estimates for the held cities in Africa were manually calculated through the approximate size of their site due to a lack of data.
Melilla's site for the longest time was probably relatively small at around 10 ha.
Ceuta's site at the other hand was probably one of a major city at this point, with a site of around 100 ha. 1200 estimates put the population at 40,000 (though probably too high).
Tangier supposedly did not grow much outside its Roman walls until the modern era, with its enclosed site measuring about 20 ha.
For all these sites, an estimate population density of around 150 to 250 people per hectare is assumed. While this is error prone, this is a realistic method used by multiple professional estimates.
Thanks! It's very likely that Cádiz was nothing more than just a small village at this point, as my sources record it at a mere 1k. While it was a major port city under the Romans (around 15k-ish?), it's clear that it didn't start growing again until the 13th century.
Melilla's site for the longest time was probably relatively small at around 10 ha.
Ceuta's site at the other hand was probably one of a major city at this point, with a site of around 100 ha. 1200 estimates put the population at 40,000 (though probably too high).
Tangier supposedly did not grow much outside its Roman walls until the modern era, with its enclosed site measuring about 20 ha.
For all these sites, an estimate population density of around 150 to 250 people per hectare is assumed. While this is error prone, this is a realistic method used by multiple professional estimates.