Biggest Cities of the Ottoman Empire in 1800 with a Map
With the help of a map, can you name the biggest cities with an estimated population of over 20,000 in the Ottoman Empire in 1800?
Click on the map to zoom in.
Population figures are based off different approximates according to a bunch of a different sources. Mostly from La population des villes européennes, 800-1850 by Paul Bairoch
Thanks! Alexandria had fallen into decline a few centuries before and would be nothing more but a small town of only about 4,000 people by 1798. Later into the 19th century, the city would experience a major revival, eventually becoming one of the biggest cities in Africa today. By 1850, the city population was recorded at about 138,000 people.
I thought Alexandria would be here
I thought that since after all it probably was the first city to reach 1M people ever.