Definition | Keyword | % Correct |
Indented area on the surface of an enzyme molecule, with a shape that is complementary to the shape of the substrate molecule | Active site | 95%
Chemical that speeds up the rate of reaction and remains uncharged and reusable at the end of the reaction | Catalyst | 76%
Molecule produced from substrate molecules, by an enzyme-catalysed reaction | Product | 62%
Complex formed by temporary binding of enzyme and substrate molecules during an enzyme-catalysed reaction | Enzyme-substrate complex | 60%
Molecule that is altered by an enzyme-catalysed reaction | Substrate | 57%
Outside the cell | Extracellular | 56%
Inside the cell | Intracellular | 53%
A substance that reduces or stops a reaction | Inhibitor | 48%
The chemical reactions that take place inside living cells and organisms | Metabolism | 48%
Where the inhibitor molecule has a similar shape to that of the substrate molecule and completes with the substrate for the enzyme's active site. It blocks the active site and prevents formation of enzyme-substrate complexes. | Competitive inhibition | 27%
Where the competitor molecule attaches to a part of the enzyme but not the active site. This changes the shape of the active site, which prevents ES complexes forming, as the enzyme active site is no longer complementary in shape to the substrate molecule | Non-competitive inhibition | 24%
Enzyme molecule with product molecule(s) in its active site | Enzyme-product complex | 22%
Number of molecules per unit volume | Concentration | 19%
Temperature coefficient | Q10 | 15%
A substrate that has to be present to ensure that an enzyme-catalysed reaction takes place at the appropriate rate | Cofactor | 11%
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