Artist/ Album Name
A naked male baby floating through a pool of water, reaching out to grab a dollar bill attached to fishing line
Nirvana: Nevermind
A white background, with Andy Warhol's screen print banana
The Velvet Underground: The Velvet Underground & Nico
A black and white photo of the band's guitarist in the process of smashing his guitar, with the name of the album in pink and green blocky font along the left side.
The Clash: London Calling
Against a black backdrop, the artist is wearing a white suit and black shirt, and is reclining on his left side. In the upper left corner is his name and the album name coloured gold and in a font that resembles handwriting.
Michael Jackson: Thriller
A high contrast, black and white image of the Hindenburg disaster, with the name of the band in red font in the upper left hand corner.
Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin 1
Artist/ Album Name
On what looks like a movie studio lot, two men are shaking hands, the one on the right is on fire
Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
A picture of the artist from the armpits up; he has a reddish coloured mullet and a blue and red coloured lightening bolt painted over his left eye
David Bowie: Aladdin Sane
Against a backdrop of the red and white stripes of the American flag; a photo of the musician's rear end, he is wearing blue jeans and white t-shirt, and has a red hankerchief hanging out of his back pocket. The album name and his name appear in blue font at the top of the album.
Bruce Springsteen: Born in the U.S.A
The band members are crossing an iconic street; one is wearing a white suit, one a black suit, one is barefoot and wearing a navy blue suit and the last member is wearing jeans and a denim shirt
The Beatles: Abbey Road
Against at white background, a male baby with an afro is sitting cross legged in the centre. The artist's name appears at the top in bold black and red font, with the name of the album at the bottom in alternating bold and regular black and red font
The Notorious B.I.G: Ready to Die
Artist/ Album Name
Against a backdrop of West Village, New York City, the musician is wearing a brown jacket and blue jeans, as he walks down the snow covered road with his hands in his pockets and his girlfriend clutching his arm.
Bob Dylan: The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
A photo of young twin girls, taken outdoors. One is wearing white fairy wings. They are smiling and the one twin has her arm around the other.
The Smashing Pumpkins: Siamese Dream
Against a black curtain, a chubby girl with glasses is dressed in a bee costume. Above her head is the eponymous title of the album in cut out yellow block letters.
Blind Melon: Blind Melon
The album cover is divided into thirds. A black and white photo of the band out in a desert is in the middle. The lead singer is in profile, staring out to the left of the album while the rest of the band stares head on towards the viewer. Two thick black blocks constitute the other two thirds. At the top, the album name and band name appear in thin, gold font
U2: The Joshua Tree
In black and white, a tight jean-clad crotch-shot is the main focus. The actual physical copy of the album has a working zipper. The name of the album and band's name are stamped in red over the cover model's, uhhh...perplexingly large junk.
The Rolling Stones: Sticky Fingers