Description | Form of government | % Correct |
Lack of central government / no effective government | Anarchy | 100%
Govt that is led by a 'god' or 'deity' who, coincidentally, is absent and usually has a self-appointed or elected, from an elite, man running the show instead | Theocracy | 100%
Govt by more or less noble military landowners in medieval Europe | Feudalism | 83%
Rule by the wealthy | Plutocracy | 83%
Government rule by elite citizens, literally from Greek: "rule of the best" | Aristocracy | 50%
Rule by a totalitarian and corporatist government | Fascism | 50%
Govt appointed based on demonstrated talent and ability | Meritocracy | 50%
Govt where the power rests with an elite distinguished by royal, wealth, family etc. hegemony. According to Aristotle, the corrupted form of the one above | Oligarchy | 50%
A system in which the workers, theoretically, own the means of production. Public services would be collectively or state owned. Economy e.g. decentralized, self-managed or centrally planned. | Socialism | 50%
A government consisting entirely of men | Androcracy | 33%
Government by thieves, usually the formal leaders, robbing people blind | Kleptocracy | 33%
Rule by women, or a government which regards female humans as entitled to rule and to exercise power over men | Matriarchy | 33%
Government by those who possess epistemic humility | Epistemocracy | 17%
Rule by a particular ethnic group | Ethnocracy | 17%
Government by the least qualified or the most unprincipled, government by the worst | Kakistocracy | 17%
Govt that operates under the rules of a dead ruler, e.g. Incan Empire or, to some extent, N.Korea | Necrocracy | 17%
Govt ruled by engineers, scientists and other technical experts | Technocracy | 17%
A government with no ruling hierarchy, laws created by citizens although which may be enforced by institutions not controlled by the public | Anarchism | 0%
Govt ruled by a goat or goats (originating in an Austrian satire, if we are to believe the internet) | Capracracy | 0%
Nearly the same as above, but in Muslim countries | Iqta | 0%
Rule by those who are strong enough to seize the power | Kratocracy | 0%
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