Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Whose son is | Draco Malfoy | 98%
Who is in what house at hogwarts | Slytherin | 98%
Who has a sister called | Ginny Weasley | 96%
Dobby's original master is | Lucius Malfoy | 96%
Whos red head best friend | Ronald Weasley | 96%
Whose arch enemy is | Harry Potter | 95%
Who is friends with a strange blonde girl called | Luna Lovegood | 94%
Which was also taught by | Professor Snape | 89%
Who fell in love with | Lily Evans | 88%
Who teaches what subject at Hogwarts | Potions | 88%
Who has a son called | Dudley | 87%
Whose heir is | Tom Riddle | 87%
Where a certain boy in huffelpuff dies called | Cedric Diggory | 85%
Whose sister is | Petunia Dursley | 85%
Who accompanies Harry to which teacher's party | Professor Slughorn | 82%
And one came into the hands of certain women that likes cats and the colour pink | Dolores Umbridge | 81%
Who had been watched in the prefect bathroom by | Moaning Myrtle | 81%
Which there were how many | 7 | 80%
Which Harry could speak because part of him was a | Horcrux | 78%
Who was murdered by | The Basilisk | 76%
Where a certain member kills Nagini | Neville Longbottom | 74%
In which the big event hosted is called | The Tri-Wizard Tournament | 74%
Who can be controlled by what language | Parseltongue | 73%
Who can turn into what creature | Cat | 72%
Who is actually | Peter Pettigrew | 72%
Who eats a ton tongue toffee in which book | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | 70%
Who is thought to be murdered by | Sirius Black | 70%
Who sacks what headmaster | Albus Dumbledore | 68%
Whose most loyal female servent is | Bellatrix Lestrange | 68%
Who kill Voldemort's followers also known as | Death Eaters | 65%
Where a certain teacher then discovers Harry's talents in flying | Professor Mcgonagall | 64%
Which is Hermiones pet called | Crookshanks | 63%
Who is always chasing | Scabbers | 63%
Which Mad Eye Moody (Barty Crouch jr) uses on what creature in class | Spider | 62%
Who has a sister called | Ariana Dumbledore | 60%
Who works for | Cornelius Fudge | 60%
Which is the type of creature Hagrids pet is, who is called | Aragog | 58%
Where there are animals that are half human half horse called | Centaurs | 58%
Where what group of people hide there in the 7th book | Dumbledores Army | 57%
Whose house becomes headquarters to what in the 5th book | Order of the Phoenix | 57%
Who lives in | The Forbidden Forest | 56%
Which Harry and his friends enjoy what drink | Butterbeer | 53%
Which is the type of animal of a certain divination teacher, who is called | Firenze | 47%
And then ends up sharing the teaching position with | Professor Trelawney | 44%
Who falls of a broomstick and leaves what item behind (in the first book) | Remembrall | 44%
Whose portrait leads to where (in Aberforths house) | The Room of Requirement | 44%
And tortures Frank and Alice Longbottom using the | Cruciatus Curse | 43%
Which cannot compete with a similar place in Hogsmeade called | The Three Broomsticks | 41%
Which is served by who | Madam Rosmerta | 31%
Who goes for a job interview at hogwarts where | The Hogs Head | 31%
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