I have no idea about cars, just knew alternator cause it broke in my cousin's car lately, brakes was easy, catalytic converter cause i know i guy who it was stolen from and chassis cause Williams F1 broken some of 'em in last month
Man, another reason to hate Tesla. This only counts gas-powered, currently existing cars. I'll also point out (since the article talks about it): you don't have to use hand-over-hand steering on a steering wheel. I use shuffle steering and my hands never cross over each other.
I would have gotten serpentine belt if it had been called a drive belt. Never heard of serpentine belt before though, don't believe that is the common term for it in Australia.
I obviously can't know how commonly used "serpentine belt" is in various parts of the word, but while not all cars have it, it is still the technical term for that certain type of belt in any English speaking country. Like, someone at an auto shop in Australia would know what it is.
I felt like carburetor was going to be a trick considering fuel injection systems replaced them over 30 years ago in consumer vehicles. Even NASCAR hasn't used them in over a decade.
Fun quiz. A suggestion for all Sudden Death quizzes... could you add the capability for users to 'mark' the answers we have ruled out while we continue to hunt for the remaining correct answers? Would be helpful and more informative visually to see my correct answers, the ones I've ruled out, and therefore what's left.
I have no idea about cars, just knew alternator cause it broke in my cousin's car lately, brakes was easy, catalytic converter cause i know i guy who it was stolen from and chassis cause Williams F1 broken some of 'em in last month
But nice idea
Great quiz and I love the format
Yokes are also used in the joints of the steering column on most cars.