Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Raspy Stallion | Hoarse Horse | 89%
Frail Seven Days | Weak Week | 89%
A Precipitation Dynasty | Rain Reign | 74%
Shoplift Iron Alloy | Steal Steel | 74%
Atmosphere Inheritor | Air Heir | 70%
Penny Odour | Cent Scent | 69%
Rabbit Fur | Hare Hair | 67%
Forbidden Group of Musicians | Banned Band | 66%
Masculine Parcels | Male Mail | 66%
Aquatic Warfare Bellybutton | Naval Navel | 63%
Auditory Perception Hither | Hear Here | 61%
Ocean Giant's Sorrowful Scream | Whale Wail | 58%
Beloved Buck | Dear Deer | 56%
Consumed 1000 in Binary | Ate Eight | 54%
Murder Toboggan | Slay Sleigh | 52%
Reasonable Toll | Fair Fare | 51%
Complete Perforation | Whole Hole | 49%
A Tossed Fancy Chair | Thrown Throne | 48%
Money Stockpile | Cash Cache | 45%
A Delay at the Scale | Weight Wait | 44%
A Chomp of 8 Bits | Byte Bite | 41%
Abdomen Squander | Waist Waste | 38%
Earnings Soothsayer | Profit Prophet | 16%
Hardly Noticeable Decoy Strike | Faint Feint | 13%